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Swift 4 'substring(from:)' is deprecated: Please use String slicing subscript with a 'partial range from' operator

i've just converted my little app but i've found this error: 'substring(from:)' is deprecated: Please use String slicing subscript with a 'partial range from' operator

my code is:

    let dateObj = dateFormatterFrom.date(from: dateStringa)       if dateObj != nil {         cell.detailTextLabel?.text = dateFormatterTo.string(from:(dateObj!))     } else {         let index = thisRecord.pubDate.index(thisRecord.pubDate.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)         cell.detailTextLabel?.text = thisRecord.pubDate.substring(from: index)     } 
like image 548
Raffaele Spadaro Avatar asked Sep 21 '17 06:09

Raffaele Spadaro

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How do you slice a string in Swift?

In Swift 4 you slice a string into a substring using subscripting. The use of substring(from:) , substring(to:) and substring(with:) are all deprecated.

What is substring Swift?

Substrings. When you get a substring from a string—for example, using a subscript or a method like prefix(_:) —the result is an instance of Substring , not another string. Substrings in Swift have most of the same methods as strings, which means you can work with substrings the same way you work with strings.

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In Swift, the first property is used to return the first character of a string.

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1 Answers

Follow the below example to fix this warning: Supporting examples for Swift 3, 4 and 5.

let testStr = “Test Teja”  let finalStr = testStr.substring(to: index) // Swift 3 let finalStr = String(testStr[..<index]) // Swift 4  let finalStr = testStr.substring(from: index) // Swift 3 let finalStr = String(testStr[index...]) // Swift 4   //Swift 3 let finalStr = testStr.substring(from: index(startIndex, offsetBy: 3))   //Swift 4 and 5 let reqIndex = testStr.index(testStr.startIndex, offsetBy: 3) let finalStr = String(testStr[..<reqIndex])  //**Swift 5.1.3 - usage of index**  let myStr = "Test Teja == iOS"  let startBound1 = String.Index(utf16Offset: 13, in: myStr) let finalStr1 = String(myStr[startBound1...])// "iOS"  let startBound2 = String.Index(utf16Offset: 5, in: myStr) let finalStr2 = String(myStr[startBound2..<myStr.endIndex]) //"Teja == iOS" 
like image 183
Teja Kumar Bethina Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 15:10

Teja Kumar Bethina