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Swift 4 JSON decoding when type is only known at runtime

Is it possible with the Decodable protocol in Swift 4 to decode a JSON object when the type to decode to is only known at runtime?

I have a registry of sorts which maps a String identifier to the type we want to decode to, as below:

import Foundation

struct Person: Decodable {
    let forename: String
    let surname: String

struct Company: Decodable {
    let officeCount: Int
    let people: [Person]

let registry: [String:Decodable.Type] = [
    "Person": Person.self,
    "Company": Company.self

let exampleJSON = """
    "forename": "Bob",
    "surname": "Jones"
""".data(using: .utf8)!

let t = registry["Person"]!

try! JSONDecoder().decode(t, from: exampleJSON) // doesn't work :-(

Am I on the right lines here or is there a better way?

like image 785
Dave Rogers Avatar asked Oct 05 '17 22:10

Dave Rogers

1 Answers

Your design is indeed unique but, unfortunately, I believe you are hitting an edge case of Swift's type system. Basically, a protocol doesn't conform to itself and, as such, your general Decodable.Type isn't enough here (i.e., you really need a concrete type to satisfy the type system requirements). This might explains the error you are having:

Cannot invoke decode with an argument list of type (Decodable.Type, from: Data). Expected an argument list of type (T.Type, from: Data).

But, having said that, there is indeed a (dirty!) hack around this. First, create a dummy DecodableWrapper to hold your runtime-ish Decodable type:

struct DecodableWrapper: Decodable {
    static var baseType: Decodable.Type!
    var base: Decodable

    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        self.base = try DecodableWrapper.baseType.init(from: decoder)

then use it like this:

DecodableWrapper.baseType = registry["Person"]!
let person = try! JSONDecoder().decode(DecodableWrapper.self, from: exampleJSON).base
print("person: \(person)")

prints the expected result:

person: Person(forename: "Bob", surname: "Jones")

like image 131
Paulo Mattos Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10

Paulo Mattos