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Swagger migration from 1.2 to 2.0 specification

I have Swagger 1.2 JSON spec which I wanted to migrate to Swagger 2.0. Can someone help with that?

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Rohit Goyal Avatar asked Mar 10 '16 10:03

Rohit Goyal

2 Answers

You can use api-spec-converter (open-source, MIT license).

api-spec-converter https://api.gettyimages.com/swagger/api-docs --from=swagger_1 --to=swagger_2 > swagger.json
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William Cheng Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 13:10

William Cheng

The official swagger codegen allows for this as well:


Select swagger-yaml from the drop-down and put the URL into the GeneratorInput example. It will give you a link to download the swagger definition.

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fehguy Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10
