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How to use Flasgger with Flask applications using Blueprints?

I am adding Swagger UI to my Python Flask application using Flasgger. Most common examples on the Internet are for the basic Flask style using @app.route:

from flasgger.utils import swag_from

def get(username):
    return jsonify({'username': username})

That works.

In my application however, I am not using @app.route decorators to define the endpoints. I am using flask Blueprints. Like following:

from flask import Flask, Blueprint
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
from flasgger.utils import swag_from

class TestResourceClass(Resource):

      @swag_from('docs_test_get.yml', endpoint='test')   
      def get() :
         print "This is the get method for GET /1.0/myapi/test endpoint"

app = Flask(__name__)
my_api_blueprint = Blueprint('my_api', __name__)
my_api = Api(my_api_blueprint)

app.register_blueprint(my_api_blueprint, url_prefix='/1.0/myapi/')

my_api.add_resource(TestResourceClass, '/test/'
                        methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])

As seen above, I used @swag_from decorator on the TestResourceClass.get() method which is bound to the GET method endpoint. I also have the endpoint=test matching in the two places.

But I am not getting anything on the Swagger UI, it is all blank. The docs_test_get.yml file does contain the valid yaml markup to define the swagger spec.

What am I missing? How can I get Flasgger Swagger UI working with Flask Blueprint based setup?

like image 798
Naymesh Mistry Avatar asked Jan 12 '17 02:01

Naymesh Mistry

2 Answers

Now there is an example of blueprint app in https://github.com/rochacbruno/flasgger/blob/master/examples/example_blueprint.py

A test to ensure routes from Blueprints are swagged as expected.
from flask import Blueprint, Flask, jsonify

from flasgger import Swagger
from flasgger.utils import swag_from

app = Flask(__name__)

example_blueprint = Blueprint("example_blueprint", __name__)

@example_blueprint.route('/usernames/<username>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@swag_from('username_specs.yml', methods=['GET'])
@swag_from('username_specs.yml', methods=['POST'])
def usernames(username):
    return jsonify({'username': username})

@example_blueprint.route('/usernames2/<username>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def usernames2(username):
    This is the summary defined in yaml file
    First line is the summary
    All following lines until the hyphens is added to description
    the format of the first lines until 3 hyphens will be not yaml compliant
    but everything below the 3 hyphens should be.
      - users
      - in: path
        name: username
        type: string
        required: true
        description: A single user item
          id: rec_username
              type: string
              description: The name of the user
              default: 'steve-harris'
    return jsonify({'username': username})


swag = Swagger(app)

if __name__ == "__main__":
like image 88
Bruno Rocha - rochacbruno Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10

Bruno Rocha - rochacbruno

You just need to add your blueprint's name when you reference endpoint. Blueprints create namespaces. Example below. And useful tip: use app.logger.info(url_for('hello1')) for debugging problems with endpoint - it shows very useful error messages like this Could not build url for endpoint 'hello1'. Did you mean 'api_bp.hello1' instead?.

from flask import Flask, Blueprint, url_for
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
from flasgger import Swagger, swag_from

app = Flask(__name__)
api_blueprint = Blueprint('api_bp', __name__)
api = Api(api_blueprint)

class Hello(Resource):

    @swag_from('hello1.yml', endpoint='api_bp.hello1')
    @swag_from('hello2.yml', endpoint='api_bp.hello2')
    def get(self, user=''):
        name = user or 'stranger'
        resp = {'message': 'Hello %s!' % name}
        return resp

api.add_resource(Hello, '/hello', endpoint='hello1')
api.add_resource(Hello, '/hello/<string:user>', endpoint='hello2')

swagger = Swagger(app)


like image 32
Tarik Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10
