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Calculate local time derivative of Series

I have data that I'm importing from an hdf5 file. So, it comes in looking like this:

import pandas as pd
tmp=pd.Series([1.,3.,4.,3.,5.],['2016-06-27 23:52:00','2016-06-27 23:53:00','2016-06-27 23:54:00','2016-06-27 23:55:00','2016-06-27 23:59:00'])

2016-06-27 23:52:00    1.0
2016-06-27 23:53:00    3.0
2016-06-27 23:54:00    4.0
2016-06-27 23:55:00    3.0
2016-06-27 23:59:00    5.0
dtype: float64

I would like to find the local slope of the data. If I just do tmp.diff() I do get the local change in value. But, I want to get the change in value per second (time derivative) I would like to do something like this, but this is the wrong way to do it and gives an error:


I have figured out that I can do it by converting all the data to a DataFrame, but that seems inefficient. Especially, since I'm going to have to work with a large, on disk file in chunks. Is there a better way to do it other than this:

like image 919
Adam Avatar asked Aug 30 '16 19:08


1 Answers

Use numpy.gradient

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

slope = pd.Series(np.gradient(tmp.data), tmp.index, name='slope')

To address the unequal temporal index, i'd resample over minutes and interpolate. Then my gradients would be over equal intervals.

tmp_ = tmp.resample('T').interpolate()

slope = pd.Series(np.gradient(tmp_.data), tmp_.index, name='slope')

df = pd.concat([tmp_.rename('data'), slope], axis=1)

enter image description here


enter image description here

like image 146
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
