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suppressing printing every assignment



I have written a simple script in Octave. When I run it from the command line, Octave prints a line every time a variable gets assigned a new value. How do I suppress that?


function result = stuff()     result = 0     for i=0:10,         j += i     end end 

when I run it:

octave:17> stuff() result = 0 result = 0 result =  1 result =  3 result =  6 result =  10 result =  15 result =  21 result =  28 result =  36 result =  45 result =  55 ans =  55 octave:18>  

I want to get rid of the result = ... lines. I am new to Octave, so please forgive me asking such a basic question.

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icehawk Avatar asked Aug 19 '15 14:08


People also ask

How do you suppress the printing of a result after an assignment statement?

by adding a semicolon at the end of your statement it will suppress the intermediate result. will do the trick. Save this answer.

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2 Answers

by adding a semicolon at the end of your statement it will suppress the intermediate result.

In your case:

function result = stuff()     result = 0;     for i=0:10,         j += i;     end end 

will do the trick.

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DJanssens Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09


Like in matlab just add a ; (semicolon) to the end of a line you don't want output to the terminal.

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Rufus Shinra Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

Rufus Shinra