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Supplying a password to Git in a Bash script




From a Bash script I would like to supply a password. I have tried the following:

echo 'mypass' | git pull

git pull < 'mypass'

git pull < echo 'mypass'

None seem to work.

like image 617
jax Avatar asked Jul 04 '15 08:07


People also ask

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username and password. We can supply the username and password along with the git clone command in the remote repository url itself. The syntax of the git clone command with the http protocol is, git clone http[s]://host. xz[:port]/path/to/repo.

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There are three main approaches you can take: Using a personal authentication token or password. Using an SSH key. Using your GitHub password with 2-factor authentication.

1 Answers

  1. Create file git_password.sh with content:

    exec echo "$GIT_PASSWORD"
  2. Assign your password to the GIT_PASSWORD environment variable

    $ GIT_PASSWORD=your_password
  3. Execute git command with GIT_ASKPASS environment variable. It will force password prompt and execute git_password.sh as callback:

    $ GIT_ASKPASS=./git_password.sh git clone $REPO
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Sergey Bezugliy Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10

Sergey Bezugliy