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Summing data from array based on other array in Numpy

I have two 2D numpy arrays (simplified in this example with respect to size and content) with identical sizes.

An ID matrix:

1 1 1 2 2
1 1 2 2 5
1 1 2 5 5
1 2 2 5 5
2 2 5 5 5

and a value matrix:

14.8 17.0 74.3 40.3 90.2
25.2 75.9  5.6 40.0 33.7
78.9 39.3 11.3 63.6 56.7
11.4 75.7 78.4 88.7 58.6
79.6 32.3 35.3 52.5 13.3

My goal is to count and sum the values from the second matrix grouped by the IDs from the first matrix:

1: (8, 336.8)
2: (9, 453.4)
5: (8, 402.4)

I can do this in a for loop but when the matrices have sizes in thousands instead of just 5x5 and thousands of unique ID's, it takes a lot of time to process.

Does numpy have a clever method or a combination of methods for doing this?

like image 832
Chau Avatar asked Apr 15 '16 09:04


People also ask

How do I sum two arrays in NumPy?

To add the two arrays together, we will use the numpy. add(arr1,arr2) method. In order to use this method, you have to make sure that the two arrays have the same length. If the lengths of the two arrays are​ not the same, then broadcast the size of the shorter array by adding zero's at extra indexes.

What do you get if you apply NumPy sum () to a list that contains only Boolean values?

sum receives an array of booleans as its argument, it'll sum each element (count True as 1 and False as 0) and return the outcome. for instance np. sum([True, True, False]) will output 2 :) Hope this helps.

Can you combine NumPy arrays?

We can perform the concatenation operation using the concatenate() function. With this function, arrays are concatenated either row-wise or column-wise, given that they have equal rows or columns respectively. Column-wise concatenation can be done by equating axis to 1 as an argument in the function.

2 Answers

Here's a vectorized approach to get the counts for ID and ID-based summed values for value with a combination of np.unique and np.bincount -

unqID,idx,IDsums = np.unique(ID,return_counts=True,return_inverse=True)

value_sums = np.bincount(idx,value.ravel())

To get the final output as a dictionary, you can use loop-comprehension to gather the summed values, like so -

{i:(IDsums[itr],value_sums[itr]) for itr,i in enumerate(unqID)}

Sample run -

In [86]: ID
array([[1, 1, 1, 2, 2],
       [1, 1, 2, 2, 5],
       [1, 1, 2, 5, 5],
       [1, 2, 2, 5, 5],
       [2, 2, 5, 5, 5]])

In [87]: value
array([[ 14.8,  17. ,  74.3,  40.3,  90.2],
       [ 25.2,  75.9,   5.6,  40. ,  33.7],
       [ 78.9,  39.3,  11.3,  63.6,  56.7],
       [ 11.4,  75.7,  78.4,  88.7,  58.6],
       [ 79.6,  32.3,  35.3,  52.5,  13.3]])

In [88]: unqID,idx,IDsums = np.unique(ID,return_counts=True,return_inverse=True)
    ...: value_sums = np.bincount(idx,value.ravel())

In [89]: {i:(IDsums[itr],value_sums[itr]) for itr,i in enumerate(unqID)}
{1: (8, 336.80000000000001),
 2: (9, 453.40000000000003),
 5: (8, 402.40000000000003)}
like image 101
Divakar Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 07:11


This is possible with a combination of a few simple methods:

  1. use numpy.unique to find each ID
  2. create a boolean mask for each ID
  3. sum the 1s in the mask (count) and the values where the mask is 1

This can look like this:

import numpy as np

ids = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 2, 2],
                [1, 1, 2, 2, 5],
                [1, 1, 2, 5, 5],
                [1, 2, 2, 5, 5],
                [2, 2, 5, 5, 5]])

values = np.array([[14.8, 17.0, 74.3, 40.3, 90.2],
                   [25.2, 75.9,  5.6, 40.0, 33.7],
                   [78.9, 39.3, 11.3, 63.6, 56.7],
                   [11.4, 75.7, 78.4, 88.7, 58.6],
                   [79.6, 32.3, 35.3, 52.5, 13.3]])

for i in np.unique(ids):  # loop through all IDs
    mask = ids == i  # find entries that match current ID
    count = np.sum(mask)  # number of matches
    total = np.sum(values[mask])  # values of matches
    print('{}: ({}, {:.1f})'.format(i, count, total))  #print result

# Output:
# 1: (8, 336.8)
# 2: (9, 453.4)
# 5: (8, 402.4)
like image 26
MB-F Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 08:11