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Sumif value is in year

I have list of dates and values:

01.01.2016   100

01.02.2017   200

01.03.2017   300

What i want is now if the the year is 2017 count the value. Result: 200 + 300 = 500

This is a formula i tried:


The issue is that google sheet can not compare a date and a year. When i change the date from 01.02.2017 to 2017 it works.

If i try to get the year of the date it doesnt work:


How can compare a date with a year? Or is there an other way?


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Taaut Avatar asked Jun 16 '17 09:06


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SUMIF for the exact date You have two choices: 1) You can use a formula with the cell address. 2) You can write the date right into the formula. The date must be in the quotation marks.

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Excel YEAR function=YEAR(A2) - returns the year of a date in cell A2. =YEAR("20-May-2015") - returns the year of the specified date.

1 Answers

Try this formula:


And also please try this:

=QUERY(A:B,"select year(A), sum(B) where A is not null group by year(A)")

enter image description here

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Max Makhrov Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 04:11

Max Makhrov