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Protect range to allow editing of **values only** (ie. protect all formatting)

I'm thinking this is not possible with the current version of Google Sheets, but thought I'd ask anyhow:

I want users to be able to enter values in a specific range within a spreadsheet, but I want to prevent them from altering the formatting (in particular the data validation and conditional formatting). I'd also like to prevent them from adding new rows/columns or from deleting rows/columns.

Is this possible?

like image 369
mdtsandman Avatar asked Jun 08 '15 03:06


People also ask

Why can't I protect range in Google Sheets?

You must give another user permission to edit the whole spreadsheet before you can protect a range. For example, if you want someone to only be able to edit column B, you would need to first give them permission to edit the spreadsheet, and then follow the procedure below to protect all the other columns.

What does protect range do in Google Sheets?

Protected Ranges allows you to select a range of cells and choose which collaborators have permission to edit those cells, and which collaborators should only be able to view those cells.

1 Answers

To protect the conditional formatting, I make the range one row or one column bigger than what it needs to be and protect this extra row or column. Then, the conditional formatting including protected cells in their range cannot be modified anymore.

like image 127
Akera Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11
