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Extracting rootdomains from URL string in Google Sheets

Hi I am trying to extract the rootdomain from URL string in Google Sheets. I know how to get the domain and I have the formula to remove www. but now I realize it does not strip subdomain prefixes like 'mysite'.site.com; where mysite is not stripped from the domain name.

Question: How can I retrieve the domain.com rootdomain where the domain string contacts alphanumeric characters, then 1 dot, then alphanumeric characters (and nothing more)

Formula so far in Google Sheets:


Maybe this can be simplified ...

Test cases

    https://www.domain.com/ => domain.com
    https://domain.com/ => domain.com
    http://www.domain.nl/ => domain.com
    http://domain.de/ => domain.com
    http://www.domain.co.uk/ => domain.co.uk
    http://domain.co.au/ => domain.co.au
    sub.domain.org/ => sub.domain.com
    sub.domain.org => sub.domain.com
    domain.com => domain.com
    http://www.domain.nl?par=1  => domain.com
    https://www.domain.nl/test/?par=1  => domain.com
    http2://sub2.startpagina.nl/test/?par=1  => domain.com

enter image description here

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snh_nl Avatar asked Aug 23 '15 07:08


3 Answers

Currently using:


Seems to work fine


(thanks for all the help!)

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snh_nl Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10


I think that a most reliable way is to check over TLD list because of TLDs like co.uk, gov.uk and so on that are impossible to extract via a simple regex.

You can define these functions in Tools -> Script editor

function endsWith(str, searchString) {
    position = str.length - searchString.length;
    var lastIndex = str.lastIndexOf(searchString);
    return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;

function rawToTlds(raw) {
    var letter = new RegExp(/^\w/);
    return raw.split(/\n/).filter(function (t) { return letter.test(t) })

function compressString(s) {
    var zippedBlob = Utilities.gzip(Utilities.newBlob(s))
    return Utilities.base64Encode(zippedBlob.getBytes())

function uncompressString(x) {
    var zippedBytes = Utilities.base64Decode(x)
    var zippedBlob = Utilities.newBlob(zippedBytes, 'application/x-gzip')
    var stringBlob = Utilities.ungzip(zippedBlob)
    return stringBlob.getDataAsString()

function getTlds() {
    var cacheName = 'TLDs'
    var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
    var base64Encoded = cache.get(cacheName);
    if (base64Encoded != null) {
        return uncompressString(base64Encoded).split(',')
    var raw = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://publicsuffix.org/list/public_suffix_list.dat').getContentText()
    var tlds = rawToTlds(raw)
    cache.put(cacheName, compressString(tlds.join()), 21600)
    return tlds

function getDomainName(url, level) {
    var tlds = getTlds()

    var domain = url
        .replace(/^http(s)?:\/\//i, "")
        .replace(/^www\./i, "")
        .replace(/\/.*$/, "")
        .replace(/\?.*/, "");

    if (typeof level === 'undefined') {
        return domain

    var result = domain
    var longest = 0
    for (i in tlds) {
        var tld = '.' + tlds[i]
        if (endsWith(domain, tld) && tld.length > longest) {
            var parts = domain.substring(0, domain.length - tld.length).split('.')
            result = parts.slice(parts.length-level+1, parts.length).join('.') + tld
            longest = tld.length

    return result

To get second-level domian of A1 use it like this

=getDomainName(A1, 2)

To get full domain of A1 just do



Public Suffix List has exceeded 100KB. It doesn't fit in Apps Script cache anymore. So I'm gzipping it now.

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Igor Mikushkin Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Igor Mikushkin



enter image description here

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player0 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
