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How to invoke phone dialer in browser? or is it impossible?

I build a website for phones like android and iphone,when users are visiting my site,is it possible for me to invoke some system build in activities like Dialer or SMS)?

I want to implement this cause I hope when user click the link with phone number,I can start to call directly.


I think it is possible cause in android when I click a url like this:

<a href="market://search?q=pname:com.joelapenna.foursquared">asdfasdfsdf</a>

it will open the market app and lead me to the app I search.

so I think if we format the url in some way ,maybe it can also open the Dialer app in Android.

ps.I know it must be another case when it comes to Iphone,but currently,it is fine enough it works with Android,any one ,any idea ?

Thanks ^_^.

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DiveInto Avatar asked Sep 07 '10 08:09


People also ask

Can I make a phone call on a website?

All you need to do is make sure you're logged into Dialpad in your web browser. You can use the Chrome plugin or extension, Firefox, or any other browser. From there, you can click-to-call. As the name suggests, you can use this technology to make calls by clicking on a button or phone number within your browser.

How do I activate Dialer on my phone?

In your App Drawer (application list) by default, you should find the Voice Dialer included with nearly all Android versions. Tap Voice Dialer to open it. Note you can always add this “app” to your home screen for easy and quick access.

1 Answers

You need the tel protocol. This will launch the native phone dialer. Use it as

<a href="tel:555-123-4567">

More on Wikipedia and the RFCs: 2806 and 3966

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Matt Lacey Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10

Matt Lacey