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sum up object properties in array of objects into a single object Lodash

I have been trying to get this right and was having issues so figured i should ask ppl with more experience. I have an array of objects lets say called items, and I need to sum up some of the properties across different objects in the array and sum them up those at the end. The user can make a few selections and i need to only sum up the only the chosen properties in the array they give me so i thought maybe to use the _.pick function in lodash. If possible i would like to do that in one loop since the items array could have upto a 1000 items. Here is an example:

var items = [
{'lightBlue':4, 'darkBlue':2, 'red':4, 'orange':6, 'purple':7},
{'lightBlue':6, 'darkBlue':5, 'red':1, 'orange':2, 'purple':3},
{'lightBlue':2, 'darkBlue':4, 'red':3, 'orange':4, 'purple':9}

var userSelectedColors = ['lightBlue', 'darkBlue'];

What I want to see is all the blue's summed up like:

var summedUp = [{'lightBlue':12, 'darkBlue':11}];

Then sum up the results to get the total no

var totalCount = 23

Whats the best and performant way to get this in lodash. The array of userSelectedColors could be 1 or any combination of the colors.

Please provide an example, thanks your helps appreciated!

like image 919
Shokwave Avatar asked Jul 19 '16 02:07


People also ask

How do you sum an array of objects?

To sum a property in an array of objects:Call the reduce() method to iterate over the array. On each iteration increment the sum with the specific value. The result will contain the sum of the values for the specific property.

What does .value do in Lodash?

values() Method. The _. values() method is used to return the array of the own enumerable string keyed property values of the object.

What are Lodash methods?

Lodash is a popular javascript based library which provides 200+ functions to facilitate web development. It provides helper functions like map, filter, invoke as well as function binding, javascript templating, deep equality checks, creating indexes and so on.

1 Answers

Use _.sumBy

var totalCount = _.sumBy(userSelectedColors, _.partial(_.sumBy, items));

var items = [
  { 'lightBlue': 4, 'darkBlue': 2, 'red': 4, 'orange': 6, 'purple': 7 },
  { 'lightBlue': 6, 'darkBlue': 5, 'red': 1, 'orange': 2, 'purple': 3 },
  { 'lightBlue': 2, 'darkBlue': 4, 'red': 3, 'orange': 4, 'purple': 9 }
], userSelectedColors = ['lightBlue', 'darkBlue'];

var totalCount = _.sumBy(userSelectedColors, _.partial(_.sumBy, items));

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/lodash/4.13.1/lodash.min.js"></script>

Expanded, that looks like:

var totalCount = _.sumBy(userSelectedColors, function(prop) {
    return _.sumBy(items, prop);

Without Lodash, a more performant solution would be something like this:

var totalCount = items.reduce(function(total, obj) {
    return total + userSelectedColors.reduce(function(total, prop) {
        return total + obj[prop];
    }, 0);
}, 0);

var items = [
  { 'lightBlue': 4, 'darkBlue': 2, 'red': 4, 'orange': 6, 'purple': 7 },
  { 'lightBlue': 6, 'darkBlue': 5, 'red': 1, 'orange': 2, 'purple': 3 },
  { 'lightBlue': 2, 'darkBlue': 4, 'red': 3, 'orange': 4, 'purple': 9 }
], userSelectedColors = ['lightBlue', 'darkBlue'];

var totalCount = items.reduce(function(total, obj) {
    return total + userSelectedColors.reduce(function(total, prop) {
        return total + obj[prop];
    }, 0);
}, 0);

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/lodash/4.13.1/lodash.min.js"></script>
like image 130
4castle Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
