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Does AngularJS have a syntax to alias a property within a div?

This is kind of a weird question, but here's the idea:

Let's say I have a complex JSON object coming back from an HTTP call and attaching to the $scope. Something like this:

$scope.obj = {
    user: {
        id: 10,
        name: { first: 'Joe', last: 'Smith' },
        contact: {
            home: {
                street: '101 First St.',
                city: 'Myville',
                state: 'Jokelahoma',
                zip: '98765'
            email: 'joeshmoe@gmail.com',
            phone: '+12345678901'
    purchase_hist: [
        { item_id: 11004, date: 'Thu, 06 Aug 2015 13:51:17 GMT' },
        { item_id: 97020, date: 'Fri, 31 Jul 2015 18:57:57 GMT' }

Now, if I wanted to display an overview of purchase history in an AngularJS partial, I could do something like this:

    <tr ng-repeat="p in obj.purchase_hist">

The really convenient thing about this format (though it's not super evident here with so few props) is that the purchase being described is aliased as p. I don't have to do obj.purchase_hist[0].item_id, I can just do p.item_id.

But what about when I go to show the user's home address? Do I really have to do this?:


That's really verbose. I would much rather use something akin to the controller as ... syntax, something like this:

<div ng-alias="obj.user.contact.home as uhome">

Is there such a thing that exists in AngularJS ? Unfortunately I'm not very able to use plugins in my environment, so I'm specifically looking for a part of angular core that will work this way.


like image 862
Ken Bellows Avatar asked Aug 06 '15 14:08

Ken Bellows

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2 Answers

I've written this little directive, which allow you to perform what you want :

Directive ngAlias


  function ngAlias($compile) {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
          var args = attrs.ngAlias.split('as').map(function(elm){return elm.replace(/ /g,'')});

          scope[args[0]] = '';

          var dot = args[1].split('.');

          var object = {};

          dot.forEach(function(value, index){
            index === 0
            ? object = scope[value]
            : object = object[value] === null ? object[value] = {} : object[value];


          scope[args[0]] = object;

  .directive('ngAlias', ngAlias);


For example, set your object in your controller



function Controller($scope) {

  $scope.obj = {
    toto: {
      nom: 'toto',
      prenom: 'tata'


.module('app', [])
.controller('ctrl', Controller);


And you can use it :


  <body ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">

    <div ng-alias="toto as obj.toto">

like image 182
Paul Boutes Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 06:11

Paul Boutes

@PaulBoutes provided the answer I needed, and he should get the credit; I just wanted to add the version of the directive that I settled on based on his answer.

app.directive('alias', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            var splits = attrs['alias'].trim().split(/\s+as\s+/);
            scope.$watch(splits[0], function(val) {

Same basic idea as Paul's, just cleaned up a little and made a little more flexible in terms of whitespace and such.

Usage example:

<div data-alias="obj.user.contact.home as uhome">
like image 22
Ken Bellows Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 05:11

Ken Bellows