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Sum of subvectors of a vector in R



Given a vector x of length k, I would like to obtain a k by k matrix X where X[i,j] is the sum of x[i] + ... + x[j]. The way I do it now is

x <- rnorm(10)

X <- matrix(0,10,10)
for(i in 1:10) 
  for(j in 1:10)
    X[i,j] <- sum(x[i:j])

#             [,1]       [,2]       [,3]      [,4]        [,5]       [,6]        [,7]      [,8]      [,9]      [,10]
# [1,]  -0.6264538 -0.4428105 -1.2784391 0.3168417  0.64634948 -0.1741189  0.31331014 1.0516348 1.6274162  1.3220278
# [2,]  -0.4428105  0.1836433 -0.6519853 0.9432955  1.27280329  0.4523349  0.93976395 1.6780887 2.2538700  1.9484816
# [3,]  -1.2784391 -0.6519853 -0.8356286 0.7596522  1.08915996  0.2686916  0.75612063 1.4944453 2.0702267  1.7648383
# [4,]   0.3168417  0.9432955  0.7596522 1.5952808  1.92478857  1.1043202  1.59174924 2.3300739 2.9058553  2.6004669
# [5,]   0.6463495  1.2728033  1.0891600 1.9247886  0.32950777 -0.4909606 -0.00353156 0.7347931 1.3105745  1.0051861
# [6,]  -0.1741189  0.4523349  0.2686916 1.1043202 -0.49096061 -0.8204684 -0.33303933 0.4052854 0.9810667  0.6756783
# [7,]   0.3133101  0.9397640  0.7561206 1.5917492 -0.00353156 -0.3330393  0.48742905 1.2257538 1.8015351  1.4961467
# [8,]   1.0516348  1.6780887  1.4944453 2.3300739  0.73479315  0.4052854  1.22575376 0.7383247 1.3141061  1.0087177
# [9,]   1.6274162  2.2538700  2.0702267 2.9058553  1.31057450  0.9810667  1.80153511 1.3141061 0.5757814  0.2703930
# [10,]  1.3220278  1.9484816  1.7648383 2.6004669  1.00518611  0.6756783  1.49614672 1.0087177 0.2703930 -0.3053884

but I can't help the feeling that there must be a more elegant R way (except translating this into Rcpp).

like image 853
Theodor Avatar asked Jan 18 '16 15:01


People also ask

How do you sum elements of a vector in R?

To find the sum of vector elements in R, call sum() function and pass the vector as argument. sum() returns a new vector with the elements of first vector appended with that of second vector.

What does sum () do in R?

The sum() function in R to find the sum of the values in the vector. This tutorial shows how to find the sum of the values, the sum of a particular row and column, and also how to get the summation value of each row and column in the dataset. The important thing is to consider the NA values or not.

How do I add all elements to an array in R?

To find the sum of all array elements in R, we can use Reduce function with plus sign. For Example, if we have an array called ARRAY and we want to find the sum of all values in this array then we can use the command Reduce("+",ARRAY).

1 Answers

We can use outer():

mySum <- function(i,j) sum(x[i:j])
outer(1:10, 1:10, Vectorize(mySum))

EDIT: You could also go for a solution by foreach:

mySum <- function(j) sum(x[i:j])
mySum <- Vectorize(mySum)
foreach(i = 1:10, .combine = 'rbind') %do% mySum(1:10)

and maybe run it in parallel instead.

like image 163
J.R. Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
