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Mapping Multiple Values



I need the help from experts like you with a problem, which is too big for my R skills.

I've a vector and a data.frame:

vec = c("v1;v2","v3","v4","v5;v6")

vecNames = c("v1","v2","v3","v4","v5","v6")
## [1] "v1" "v2" "v3" "v4" "v5" "v6"

vecDescription = c("descr1","descr2","descr3","descr4","descr5","descr6")
## [1] "descr1" "descr2" "descr3" "descr4" "descr5" "descr6"

df = data.frame(vecNames, vecDescription)
  vecNames vecDescription
1       v1         descr1
2       v2         descr2
3       v3         descr3
4       v4         descr4
5       v5         descr5
6       v6         descr6

The data.frame is used for annotation.

mapping = df$vecDescription[match(vec, df$vecNames)]

The output is as expected:

## [1] NA "descr3" "descr4" NA

But I want:

## [1] "descr1;descr2" "descr3" "descr4" "descr5;descr6"  

I was succeful using a for-loop, but this approach is horribly slow when applied to 500k lines.

like image 529
sblid Avatar asked Feb 24 '15 19:02


People also ask

Can a map have multiple values?

The Map interface stores the elements as key-value pairs. It does not allow duplicate keys but allows duplicate values. HashMap and LinkedHashMap classes are the widely used implementations of the Map interface. But the limitation of the Map interface is that multiple values cannot be stored against a single key.

Can Java HashMap have multiple values?

HashMap can be used to store key-value pairs. But sometimes you may want to store multiple values for the same key. For example: For Key A, you want to store - Apple, Aeroplane.

How do you map a value?

Map Values() Method in Java With Examples Map Values() method returns the Collection view of the values contained in this map. The collection is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the collection, and vice-versa. Parameter: This method does not take any parameter.

3 Answers

One more base R solution:

  L <- strsplit(vec,split = ';')
  R <- as.character(df$vecDescription)[match(unlist(L),df$vecNames)]
  sapply(relist(R, L), paste, collapse=';')

and benchmarks:

f.m <- function(vec,df) {
  L <- strsplit(vec,split = ';')
  R <- with(df,vecDescription[match(unlist(L),vecNames)])
  sapply(relist(R, L), paste, collapse=';')

f.m2 <- function(vec,df) {
  L <- strsplit(vec,split = ';')
  R <- as.character(df$vecDescription)[match(unlist(L),df$vecNames)]
  sapply(relist(R, L), paste, collapse=';')

f.j <- function(vec,df) {
  elts = strsplit(vec, ";")
  mapping = df$vecDescription[match(do.call(c, elts), df$vecNames)]
  tapply(mapping, rep(1:length(elts), sapply(elts, length)), 
         paste, collapse = ';')

f.da <- function(vec,df) {
  vec <- strsplit(vec, ";")
  sapply(vec, function(x) with(df, paste(vecDescription[vecNames %in% x], collapse = ";")))

f.da2 <- function(vec,df) {
  vapply(vec, function(x) with(df, paste(vecDescription[vecNames %in% x], collapse = ";")), character(1))

f.eddi <- function(vec,df) {

  dt = as.data.table(df) # or use setDT to convert in place
   setkey(dt, vecNames)
   dt[melt(strsplit(vec, split = ";"))][,
                                       paste(vecDescription, collapse = ";"), by = L1][, V1]

f.eddi2 <- function(vec,df) {
  setkey(dt, vecNames)

  melt2 = function(l) data.table(value = unlist(l, use.names = F),
                                 L1    = unlist(lapply(seq_along(l), 
                                                       function(i) rep(i, length(l[[i]]))),
                                                use.names = F))
  dt[melt2(strsplit(vec, split = ";"))][,
                                       paste(vecDescription, collapse = ";"), by = L1][, V1]

f.Metrics <- function(vec,df) {
  x3<-df$vecDescription[df$vecNames %in% x2[,1]]
  x4<-df$vecDescription[df$vecNames %in% x2[,2]]

df2 = data.frame(vecNames, vecDescription, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

microbenchmark(f.m(vec,df), f.j(vec,df2), f.da(vec,df), f.da2(vec,df), f.eddi(vec,df))


Unit: microseconds
               expr      min        lq      mean    median        uq      max neval  cld
       f.m(vec, df)  186.414  218.6155  263.8829  231.8240  248.3900 2506.887   100  b  
      f.m2(vec, df)   94.751  113.4995  124.3000  122.1635  134.3795  195.045   100 a   
      f.j(vec, df2)  211.411  231.2145  254.2509  242.9275  261.9220  481.501   100  b  
      f.da(vec, df)  145.689  176.9130  199.1804  185.8020  195.6595 1383.394   100 ab  
     f.da2(vec, df)  117.027  140.6245  153.2124  150.5025  157.9735  298.111   100 ab  
    f.eddi(vec, df) 3396.690 3586.1695 3799.5835 3648.2905 3762.6335 6468.448   100    d
 f.Metrics(vec, df)  748.323  789.5460  881.9349  809.0135  833.5465 3335.045   100   c 


As correctly pointed out by @eddi, a significantly larger data set should be used for a more realistic benchmarking, so here we go:

n <- 1000
sample1 <- sample(n)
sample2 <- sample(n)
vec <- sapply(sample1, function(i) if (runif(1)>0.5) paste0('v',c(i,sample(n,size=1)),collapse=';') else paste0('v',i))
vecNames <- paste0('v', sample2)
vecDescription <- paste0('descr', sample2)
df = data.frame(vecNames, vecDescription)
df2 = data.frame(vecNames, vecDescription, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


microbenchmark( f.m2(vec,df2), f.j(vec,df2), f.da2(vec,df2), f.eddi2(vec,df2), f.Metrics(vec,df2))


Unit: milliseconds
               expr        min         lq       mean    median         uq       max neval   cld
       f.m(vec, df)  31.679775  35.682250  38.813526  38.53798  41.278268  50.94508   100  b   
      f.m2(vec, df)   8.384308   9.596091  10.833422  10.32222  10.954757  18.33386   100 a    
      f.j(vec, df2)   4.665586   5.216920   6.003011   5.65613   6.184318  12.32919   100 a    
      f.da(vec, df)  87.810338  94.419069  98.369134  96.63011 101.004672 165.76800   100   c  
     f.da2(vec, df)  84.199736  89.024529  94.053774  91.57543  94.448173 171.84077   100   c  
    f.eddi(vec, df) 276.079649 299.699244 314.580860 311.82896 329.421674 352.73114   100    d 
 f.Metrics(vec, df) 482.671849 496.465168 507.629372 505.23325 513.390346 594.13570   100     e

Now the champ is f.j(), which is twice faster than f.m2(), and other functions are about an order of magnitude slower.

[Update 2]

In this benchmark, n = 5000, and all functions get df2 as input (strings are characters):

Unit: milliseconds
                expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max neval  cld
      f.m2(vec, df2)   44.97854   47.12005   51.13561   48.58260   55.11687   85.57911   100  b  
       f.j(vec, df2)   24.03023   26.03697   28.10994   27.09699   28.45757   39.77269   100 a   
     f.da2(vec, df2) 1150.06311 1236.57530 1276.34064 1269.03829 1296.79251 1583.44486   100    d
   f.eddi2(vec, df2)   65.88291   68.06959   72.89662   70.05462   76.19301  178.73181   100   c 
 f.Metrics(vec, df2)   54.54662   57.37777   59.95356   58.41737   62.15440   69.84452   100  b  

Another benchmark, n= 50000:

Unit: milliseconds
                expr      min       lq     mean   median        uq       max neval cld
      f.m2(vec, df2) 551.7985 602.0489 659.5792 638.6707  685.9923 1135.1548   100  b 
       f.j(vec, df2) 340.2615 415.2678 454.9885 447.5994  494.9217  661.5898   100 a  
   f.eddi2(vec, df2) 833.3205 920.6528 979.3859 963.0641 1018.2014 1519.3684   100   c
 f.Metrics(vec, df2) 795.4200 895.8132 970.6516 954.8318 1001.6742 1427.0432   100   c

and the last one, n= 500000:

Unit: seconds
                expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval  cld
      f.m2(vec, df2)  7.420941  7.645800  8.047706  7.978916  8.301547  9.134872    10  b  
       f.j(vec, df2)  5.043295  5.316371  5.925725  5.514834  6.288766  8.289737    10 a   
   f.eddi2(vec, df2) 11.190716 11.373425 12.144147 11.935814 12.487354 14.798366    10   c 
 f.Metrics(vec, df2) 13.086297 13.859301 14.143273 14.149004 14.524544 15.151098    10    d
like image 108
Marat Talipov Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10

Marat Talipov

You'll need to do the following:

df = data.frame(vecNames, vecDescription, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
elts = strsplit(vec, ";")
mapping = df$vecDescription[match(do.call(c, elts), df$vecNames)]
tapply(mapping, rep(1:length(elts), sapply(elts, length)), 
       paste, collapse = ';')

Note the stringsAsFactors = FALSE in the data.frame definition. Fundamentally, there is still a loop using the tapply, but I don't think it can be vectorized beyond that.

like image 5
jimmyb Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 20:10


Here's another base R quick solution

vec <- strsplit(vec, ";")
sapply(vec, function(x) with(df, paste(vecDescription[vecNames %in% x], collapse = ";")))
## [1] "descr1;descr2" "descr3"        "descr4"        "descr5;descr6"

Or we could a bit speed it up using vapply as in

vapply(vec, function(x) with(df, paste(vecDescription[vecNames %in% x], collapse = ";")), character(1))
like image 5
David Arenburg Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 20:10

David Arenburg