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Sum for Distinct values in MySQL

I have three tables, the structure is listed as following.

This table (called contest_submissions) stores the relationship of submissions and contests.

ContestID | SubmissionID

1           1000
1           1001
1           1002
1           1003

The second table (called submissions) stores the detail information of a submission:

SubmissionID | ProblemID | User | Score | Time

1000           1000        A      100     1000
1001           1000        A      40      1250
1002           1001        A      50      1500
1003           1001        B      20      1750

Another table (called contest_contestants) is consisted of:

ContestID | User

1           A
1           B

I wrote the following SQL:

    SELECT SUM(score)
    FROM  contest_submissions cs
    NATURAL JOIN submissions
    WHERE user = cc.user
    AND SubmissionID = cs.SubmissionID
) AS TotalScore, (
    SELECT SUM(Time)
    FROM contest_submissions cs
    NATURAL JOIN submissions
    WHERE user = cc.user
    AND SubmissionID = cs.SubmissionID
) AS TotalTime
FROM contest_contestants cc
WHERE contestID = 1

I got following result (Suppose ContestID = 1):

contestID | User | Total Score | Total Time
1           A      190           3750
1           B      20            1750

where 190 = 100 + 40 + 50.

However, I want to get following result:

contestID | User | Total Score | Total Time
1           A      150           2500
1           B      20            1750

where 150 = MAX(100, 40) + 50, because 100 and 40 come from the same problem (with the same ProblemID).

What should I do?

BTW, I'm using MySQL.

like image 555
Haozhe Xie Avatar asked May 08 '16 14:05

Haozhe Xie

People also ask

How do I sum a column of distinct values in SQL?

The SQL Server SUM() function is an aggregate function that calculates the sum of all or distinct values in an expression. In this syntax: ALL instructs the SUM() function to return the sum of all values including duplicates. ALL is used by default.

How do I count distinct values in MySQL?

To count distinct values, you can use distinct in aggregate function count(). The result i3 tells that we have 3 distinct values in the table.

How do I sum two columns in MySQL?

MySQL SUM() function retrieves the sum value of an expression which is made up of more than one columns. The above MySQL statement returns the sum of multiplication of 'receive_qty' and 'purch_price' from purchase table for each group of category ('cate_id') .

2 Answers

you can try something like that:

select User, sum(MaxScore)
select User, ProblemID, max(Score) as MaxScore
from submissions
group by User, ProblemId
) as t
group by User
like image 198
Iłya Bursov Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10

Iłya Bursov

Hmmm. I think there is a way to do this with only one group by:

select s.user, sum(s.score)
from submissions s
where s.submissionId = (select s2.submissionId
                        from submissions s2
                        where s2.user = s.user and s2.ProblemId = s.ProblemId
                        order by s2.score desc
                        limit 1
group by s.user;

I offer this as a solution because with an index on submissions(user, ProblemId, score, submissionId) it should have somewhat better performance than the solutions with two aggregations.

like image 33
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Gordon Linoff