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Select from two tables with group by date




I have two tables:

Table t1:

id | date_click
 1 | 2016-02-31 17:17:23
 2 | 2016-03-31 12:11:21
 3 | 2016-03-31 13:13:23

So from this table I want to get count field Id for each day.

For this I use next query:

SELECT date_format(date_click, '%Y-%m-%d') as date_click_event
     , COUNT(id) as count_click 
  FROM t1 
    BY date_click_event 
    BY date_click_event DESC;

It's work good.

So next table is t2.

id | count | date_sent
 1 |    33 | 2016-02-31 11:12:23
 2 |    22 | 2016-03-31 14:11:22
 3 |    11 | 2016-03-31 13:12:13

To select data by date from this table I use next query:

SELECT date_format(date_sent, '%Y-%m-%d') as date_sent_push
     , SUM(count) as count_sent 
  FROM t2 
    BY date_sent_push 
    BY date_sent_push DESC 
 LIMIT 100;

It's also work good. So my purpose is merge these two queries into one SELECT that next I can write in php one tables with count of Id by date from table t1 and with count of count field from table t2 by date.

When I try next query:

SELECT date_format(t2.date_sent, '%Y-%m-%d') AS date_sent_push
     , SUM(t2.count) as count_sent
     , COUNT(t1.id) as count_click 
  FROM t2
     , t1 
 WHERE date_format(t2.date_sent, '%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(t1.date_click, '%Y-%m-%d') 
    BY date_sent_push 
    BY date_sent_push 
 LIMIT 100;

It's not work. What I do wrong?

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user3499878 Avatar asked May 05 '16 07:05


People also ask

Can we use group by for two tables?

Unfortunately, groupby function does not allow you to use multiple table columns, you can only use one table which defined in the function table parameter. You can consider using SUMMARIZECOLUMNS function, it allows you to group records based on different table fields.

How can I get data from two tables in a single query?

In SQL, to fetch data from multiple tables, the join operator is used. The join operator adds or removes rows in the virtual table that is used by SQL server to process data before the other steps of the query consume the data.

How do you SELECT data from two tables in SQL?

In SQL we can retrieve data from multiple tables also by using SELECT with multiple tables which actually results in CROSS JOIN of all the tables. The resulting table occurring from CROSS JOIN of two contains all the row combinations of the 2nd table which is a Cartesian product of tables.

1 Answers

First you should UNION these results and then group by days and select aggregate fields. Also you can JOIN these queries but it can be a problem if some days miss in one of two tables:

SELECT date_sent_push, 
       MAX(count_click) as count_click,
       MAX(count_sent) as count_sent 
(SELECT date_format(date_click, '%Y-%m-%d') as date_sent_push
     , COUNT(id) as count_click
     , NULL as count_sent
  FROM t1 
  GROUP BY date_sent_push 
  SELECT date_format(date_sent, '%Y-%m-%d') as date_sent_push
     , NULL as count_click
     , SUM(count) as count_sent 
  FROM t2 
    BY date_sent_push 
) as t3
GROUP BY date_sent_push

SQL fiddle demo

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valex Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 17:10
