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Subversion or subclipse - How do I get a list of checked out files?




Does anyone know any way from the command line or with subclipse that I can get the list of files I have checked out?


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bcoughlan Avatar asked Jul 13 '10 15:07


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svn list is most useful if you want to see what files a repository has without downloading a working copy: $ svn list http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/test/support README. txt INSTALL examples/ … For further details, see the earlier section the section called “Listing versioned directories”.

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2 Answers

Using Subclipse, you can just right-click on a project and go to Team > Synchronize with Repository and it will take you to the "Team Synchronizing" perspective and show a list of files that are different.

like image 186
Matt N Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Matt N

svn st -v seems appropriate, I think. Try svn help st for some more information.

like image 21
corsiKa Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
