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How to install JNativeHook Library?

I am trying to use the JNativeHook library to provide global keyboard and mouse listeners for my Java application. I downloaded the source files from here but I am not sure how to install it to eclipse and make a use of it. I have also looked at the Compiling Instructions. I followed all the steps, but it seems to be confusing for me.

Can anyone guide me on how to use the JNativeHook Library? I am using Eclipse as IDE and windows 7 as an operating system.

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james Avatar asked Feb 08 '15 11:02


1 Answers

Follow below steps to install JNativeHook in Eclipse:

  1. Goto release, download and unzip JNativeHook-2.0.0.zip, then get the JNativeHook.jar in the JNativeHook/jar folder.
  2. In Eclipse, Right click on project > properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > Add JARs
  3. Finally, add JNativeHook.jar

If you want to install with maven locally you can also proceed with these instruction.

like image 199
antogerva Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10
