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Substring, Pad and Paste Columns in Dataframe without a Loop

I have this dataframe, it looks like this:

enter image description here

I need to take the first character from the column at, the whole value in an, then put a counter on the end that increments for repeats in column an. This counter has to be always length of three. The end result is this:

enter image description here

So nothing here that dramatic, I was able to do this with the following code (prepare to be impressed):

tk <- ""
for (i in 1:nrow(df)){
  if (tk == df$an[i]){
    counter <- counter + 1
  } else {
    tk <- df$an[i]
    counter <- 1
  df$ap[i] <- counter

df$ap <- paste0(substr(df$at, 1, 1), df$an, str_pad(df$ap, 3, pad="0"))

I'm so not satisfied with this debacle. It seems not very "R" and I'd like very much never to allow this to see the light of day. How can I make this more "R"?

I appreciate the advice.

like image 611
DieselBlue Avatar asked Jul 21 '17 19:07


4 Answers

df1 <- df %>%
          group_by(an) %>%
          mutate(ap=paste0(substr(at, 1, 1), an, str_pad(row_number(), 3, pad="0")))

     at     an         ap
1   NDA 023356 N023356001
2  ANDA 023357 A023357001
3  ANDA 023357 A023357002
4   NDA 023357 N023357003
5  ANDA 023398 A023398001
like image 81
CPak Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10


The rleid and rowid functions from data.table can be useful here:

# using df from @Florian's answer

df[, v := paste0(
  substr(at, 1, 1), 
  sprintf("%03.f", rowid(rleid(an)))

#      at     an          v
# 1:  NDA 023356 N023356001
# 2: ANDA 023357 A023357001
# 3: ANDA 023357 A023357002
# 4:  NDA 023357 N023357003
# 5: ANDA 023398 A023398001

How it works:

  • sprintf from base effectively does the job of stringr::str_pad in the OP.
  • rleid groups runs of repeating values together.
  • rowid makes a counter within each group.
like image 39
Frank Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10


In base R, you can use sprintf to pad 0s and ave to get the counts like this:

df$ap <- paste0(substr(df$at, 1, 1), df$an,
                sprintf("%03.0f", as.numeric(ave(df$an, df$an, FUN=seq_along))))

ave performs the group calculations and seq_along counts the rows.

which returns

    at     an         ap
1  NDA 023356 N023356001
2 ANDA 023357 A023357001
3 ANDA 023357 A023357002
4  NDA 023357 N023357003
5 ANDA 023398 A023398001
like image 6
lmo Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 14:10


This works:

df = data.frame(at=c("NDA","ANDA","ANDA","NDA","ANDA"),an=c("023356","023357","023357","023357","023398"),stringsAsFactors = F)

df$ap = paste0(substr(df$at,1,1),
               df$an,str_pad(ave(df$an, df$an, FUN = seq_along),width=3,pad="0"))


    at     an         ap
1  NDA 023356 N023356001
2 ANDA 023357 A023357001
3 ANDA 023357 A023357002
4  NDA 023357 N023357003
5 ANDA 023398 A023398001

Hope this helps!

like image 3
Florian Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10
