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Subset data frame based on number of rows per group

I have data like this, where some "name" occurs more than three times:

df <- data.frame(name = c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "c", "c", "c"), x = 1:9)    name x 1    a 1 2    a 2 3    a 3 4    b 4 5    b 5 6    c 6 7    c 7 8    c 8 9    c 9 

I wish to subset (filter) the data based on number of rows (observations) within each level of the name variable. If a certain level of name occurs more than say 3 times, I want to remove all rows belonging to that level. So in this example, we would drop observations where name == c, since there are > 3 rows in that group:

  name x 1    a 1 2    a 2 3    a 3 4    b 4 5    b 5 

I wrote this code, but can't get it to work.

as.data.frame(table(unique(df)$name)) subset(df, name > 3) 
like image 956
SJSU2013 Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 21:11


People also ask

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3.1 Row Subsets An important feature of TOPCAT is the ability to define and use Row Subsets. A Row Subset is a selection of the rows within a whole table being viewed within the application, or equivalently a new table composed from some subset of its rows.

How do you subset data frames in R?

Subset a Data Frame with Base R Extract[] To specify a logical expression for the rows parameter, use the standard R operators. If subsetting is done by only rows or only columns, then leave the other value blank. For example, to subset the d data frame only by rows, the general form reduces to d[rows,] .

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To get number of rows in R Data Frame, call the nrow() function and pass the data frame as argument to this function. nrow() is a function in R base package.

2 Answers

First, two base alternatives. One relies on table, and the other on ave and length. Then, two data.table ways.

1. table

tt <- table(df$name)  df2 <- subset(df, name %in% names(tt[tt < 3])) # or df2 <- df[df$name %in% names(tt[tt < 3]), ] 

If you want to walk it through step by step:

# count each 'name', assign result to an object 'tt' tt <- table(df$name)  # which 'name' in 'tt' occur more than three times? # Result is a logical vector that can be used to subset the table 'tt' tt < 3  # from the table, select 'name' that occur < 3 times tt[tt < 3]  # ...their names names(tt[tt < 3])  # rows of 'name' in the data frame that matches "the < 3 names" # the result is a logical vector that can be used to subset the data frame 'df' df$name %in% names(tt[tt < 3])  # subset data frame by a logical vector # 'TRUE' rows are kept, 'FALSE' rows are removed. # assign the result to a data frame with a new name df2 <- subset(df, name %in% names(tt[tt < 3])) # or df2 <- df[df$name %in% names(tt[tt < 3]), ] 

2. ave and length

As suggested by @flodel:

df[ave(df$x, df$name, FUN = length) < 3, ] 

3. data.table: .N and .SD:

library(data.table) setDT(df)[, if (.N < 3) .SD, by = name] 

4. data.table: .N and .I:

setDT(df) df[df[, .I[.N < 3], name]$V1]  

See also the related Q&A Count number of observations/rows per group and add result to data frame.

like image 85
Henrik Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10


Using the dplyr package:

df %>%   group_by(name) %>%   filter(n() < 4)  # A tibble: 5 x 2 # Groups:   name [2]   name      x   <fct> <int> 1 a         1 2 a         2 3 a         3 4 b         4 5 b         5 

n() returns the number of observations in the current group, so we can group_by name, and then keep only those rows which are part of a group where the number of rows in that group is less than 4.

like image 32
Joe Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
