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Horizontal/Vertical Line in plotly




I'm using the plotly package and I'm trying to add a horizontal line to a graph. Is there any way of doing it using plotly?

It can be done using ggplot2 and the ggplotly function as shown below:

library(plotly)  p <- ggplot() +   geom_hline(yintercept = 4) +   xlim(c(0,10)) +   ylim(c(0,10))  ggplotly(p) 

But I can't add this to an existing plotly plot.

Also, the axis of my charts are not fixed, so it would be difficult (but not impossible) to just work out an x and y coordinate system for a horizontal line, but I'd rather just add one automatically.

I've looked into the y0 and dy arguments, but I can't seem to get the code for those to work, either. I'm not quite sure what they do exactly, but I think they're maybe what I'm looking for? I can't find good examples of their usage.

like image 485
Sam Helmich Avatar asked Dec 04 '15 16:12

Sam Helmich

People also ask

How do you insert a horizontal line in Plotly?

The figure and code sample below will show you how to use fig. show() and how to define your lines in terms of axis units. An alternative to xref='x' is xref='paper' . Now you can specify x0 as a float between 0 and 1 spanning from the start and end of the plot.

How do you add a mean line in Plotly?

You can use the boxmean property to add the mean as a dashed line. See https://plot.ly/python/box-plots/#box-plot-styling-mean--standard-deviation.

2 Answers

There are two main ways to do this (using either data or 'paper' coordinates). Assuming data coordinates, the easiest current way is via add_segments():

plot_ly() %>%   add_segments(x = 4, xend = 4, y = 0, yend = 10) %>%   add_segments(x = 3, xend = 5, y = 5, yend = 5) 

enter image description here

Notice how we've hard coded the extent of these lines in data coordinates; so when zooming and panning the plot, the line will be "clipped" at those values. If you don't want these lines to be clipped, use a line shape with xref/yref set to paper (this puts the graph region on a 0-1 scale, rather than on the x/y data scale):

vline <- function(x = 0, color = "red") {   list(     type = "line",      y0 = 0,      y1 = 1,      yref = "paper",     x0 = x,      x1 = x,      line = list(color = color)   ) }  hline <- function(y = 0, color = "blue") {   list(     type = "line",      x0 = 0,      x1 = 1,      xref = "paper",     y0 = y,      y1 = y,      line = list(color = color)   ) }  plot_ly() %>%   layout(shapes = list(vline(4), hline(5))) 

enter image description here

like image 186
Carson Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10


Alternatively, you could add a shape (i.e. line) under layout(). The following example adds a vertical line:

p <- plot_ly(data, x = ~x.data, y = ~y.data, text = ~text.data, type = 'scatter',         mode = 'markers', marker = list(size = ~size.data, opacity= 0.5)) %>%      layout(shapes=list(type='line', x0= 0.2, x1= 0.2, y0=min(allyvalues), y1=max(allyvalues), line=list(dash='dot', width=1)),        title = 'This is the Title',        xaxis = list(title = "X-Axis", showgrid = TRUE),        yaxis = list(title = "Y-Axis", showgrid = TRUE)) p 
like image 45
user3268362 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10
