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Subscript in Axis description

I wanted to know if it is possible to use subscript in axis description. I have the following code

    XYItemRenderer lineYY = new StandardXYItemRenderer();
    lineYY.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.BLUE);
    final NumberAxis yaxY = new NumberAxis("ax [m/s²]");
    yaxY.setRange(-11, 11);
    XYPlot plotYY = new XYPlot(datasetY,null,yaxY, lineYY);

Is there a way to subscript the x in the String "ax [m/s²]"? An subscript would be e.g. X₉

like image 759
Benaissa Tahiti Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 08:03

Benaissa Tahiti

1 Answers

Using the approach shown here, you can specify an AttributedString for the desired axis label. Given a NumberAxis named domain, the example below uses TextAttribute values to alter the SIZE and WEIGHT of some characters, subscripts the second character and superscripts the exponent.

String s = "ax [m/s2]";
AttributedString as = new AttributedString(s);
as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE, 24, 0, 2);
as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE, 16, 3, 9);
as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.WEIGHT, TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD, 0, 2);
as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT, TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUB, 1, 2);
as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT, TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER, 7, 8);


like image 141
trashgod Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 06:03
