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is it possible to mute a call while recording the sound in android

I want to build a app where I want to modulate the sound in a call.I have written a code that record the sound nd play it in different pitch.Now I want this feature while calling.I want to mute the call record the sound then play it with diff pitch.How to mute the call but still record the audio.

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Artim Arka Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 12:03

Artim Arka

1 Answers

This answer works to mute your microphone during a call:

Boolean isMuted = false;

Then in your event, say an onClick

AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);

   if((audioManager.getMode()== AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL)||(audioManager.getMode()== AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION)){
  isMuted = true;


  if((audioManager.getMode()== AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL)||(audioManager.getMode()== AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION)){
  isMuted = false;

Remember to enable permissions in your manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
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Sweetie Anang Avatar answered Apr 15 '23 01:04

Sweetie Anang