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Subscribe to changes in parent component in Angular



I've a parent component which hosts a list of child components. This children are create dynamically and can be of any type.

So, what I'm doing is using an ng-container as host in the parent component, create the child components with ComponentFactoryResolver and then update some properties in the child component using ```(component.instance as any).id = host.id;````

Here is the code for parent component (it's a table with some rows):

<tr class="table-collapse__item" [class.active]="company === selected">
  <td [attr.colspan]="getItemColspan()">
    <ng-container host [id]="name" [selected]="isSelected"></ng-container>

host is a directive

  selector: '[host]'
export class Host implements OnChanges {
  @Input() id: any;
  @Input() selected: boolean;
  constructor(public viewRef: ViewContainerRef) {}

and finally how to create the components and update the properties

@ViewChildren(Host) hosts: QueryList<Host>;

  constructor(private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
              private cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {}

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    if (this.hosts) {
      const componentFactory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(this.inner);
      this.hosts.forEach((host: Host) => {
        const component = host.viewRef.createComponent(componentFactory);
        (component.instance as any).id = host.id;
        (component.instance as any).selected = host.selected;

Now, my question. I need the child component to react to changes in its properties, but as its properies are not Inputs but just basic properties, I can´t use ngOnChanges inside the childComponent. So it's there a way I can subscribe from the child component to changes in the parent component?

I can use ngOnChanges in the Host directive and update the properties in the component, but how to then trigger some code in the child component?

I have a plunker to test it. When clicking on data1, data2, data3 or data4, the row below should collapse or expande.


like image 462
David Avatar asked May 15 '17 08:05


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How does @input work in Angular?

Use the @Input() decorator in a child component or directive to let Angular know that a property in that component can receive its value from its parent component. It helps to remember that the data flow is from the perspective of the child component.

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We can get child component values in the parent component by creating a reference to the child component using the @ref directive in the Parent component. Using the reference instance, you can access the child component values in the parent.

1 Answers

Child components can't listen to changes in the parent, but you can notify them about changes by calling a method on the children instead:

components =  [];
ngAfterVeiwInit() {
if (this.hosts) {
    const componentFactory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(this.inner);
    this.hosts.forEach((host: Host) => {
      const component = host.viewRef.createComponent(componentFactory);
      (component.instance as any).id = host.id;
      (component.instance as any).selected = host.selected;

ngOnChanges() {
  this.components.forEach((c) => {
    c.instance.ngOnChanges(); // or any other method the child comonents have
like image 155
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Günter Zöchbauer