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subprocess.Popen.stdout - reading stdout in real-time (again)

Again, the same question.
The reason is - I still can't make it work after reading the following:

  • Real-time intercepting of stdout from another process in Python
  • Intercepting stdout of a subprocess while it is running
  • How do I get 'real-time' information back from a subprocess.Popen in python (2.5)
  • catching stdout in realtime from subprocess

My case is that I have a console app written in C, lets take for example this code in a loop:

tmp = 0.0;   
printf ("\ninput was: %f",tmp); 

It continuously reads some input and writes some output.

My python code to interact with it is the following:

for line in p.stdout: 
    print(">>> " + str(line.rstrip())) 

So far whenever I read form p.stdout it always waits until the process is terminated and then outputs an empty string. I've tried lots of stuff - but still the same result.

I tried Python 2.6 and 3.1, but the version doesn't matter - I just need to make it work somewhere.

like image 575
Vladimir Keleshev Avatar asked Jun 29 '10 11:06

Vladimir Keleshev

People also ask

What does Popen return Python?

The popen() function executes the command specified by the string command. It creates a pipe between the calling program and the executed command, and returns a pointer to a stream that can be used to either read from or write to the pipe.

Does subprocess wait for command to finish?

subprocess. run() is synchronous which means that the system will wait till it finishes before moving on to the next command.

What is the difference between subprocess Popen and run?

The main difference is that subprocess. run() executes a command and waits for it to finish, while with subprocess. Popen you can continue doing your stuff while the process finishes and then just repeatedly call Popen. communicate() yourself to pass and receive data to your process.

What does subprocess Check_call return?

subprocess. check_call() gets the final return value from the script, and 0 generally means "the script completed successfully".

1 Answers

Trying to write to and read from pipes to a sub-process is tricky because of the default buffering going on in both directions. It's extremely easy to get a deadlock where one or the other process (parent or child) is reading from an empty buffer, writing into a full buffer or doing a blocking read on a buffer that's awaiting data before the system libraries flush it.

For more modest amounts of data the Popen.communicate() method might be sufficient. However, for data that exceeds its buffering you'd probably get stalled processes (similar to what you're already seeing?)

You might want to look for details on using the fcntl module and making one or the other (or both) of your file descriptors non-blocking. In that case, of course, you'll have to wrap all reads and/or writes to those file descriptors in the appropriate exception handling to handle the "EWOULDBLOCK" events. (I don't remember the exact Python exception that's raised for these).

A completely different approach would be for your parent to use the select module and os.fork() ... and for the child process to execve() the target program after directly handling any file dup()ing. (Basically you'd be re-implement parts of Popen() but with different parent file descriptor (PIPE) handling.

Incidentally, .communicate, at least in Python's 2.5 and 2.6 standard libraries, will only handle about 64K of remote data (on Linux and FreeBSD). This number may vary based on various factors (possibly including the build options used to compile your Python interpreter, or the version of libc being linked to it). It is NOT simply limited by available memory (despite J.F. Sebastian's assertion to the contrary) but is limited to a much smaller value.

like image 80
Jim Dennis Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Jim Dennis