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Comparing Numpy and Matlab array summation speed

I recently converted a MATLAB script to Python with Numpy, and found that it ran significantly slower. I expected similar performance, so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong.

As stripped-down example, I manually sum a geometric series:

MATLAB version:

function s = array_sum(a, array_size, iterations)
    s = zeros(array_size);
    for m = 1:iterations
        s = a + 0.5*s;

% benchmark code
array_size = 500
iterations = 500
a = randn(array_size)
f = @() array_sum(a, array_size, iterations);
fprintf('run time: %.2f ms\n', timeit(f)*1e3);

Python/Numpy version:

import numpy as np
import timeit

def array_sum(a, array_size, iterations):
    s = np.zeros((array_size, array_size))
    for m in range(iterations):
        s = a + 0.5*s
    return s

array_size = 500
iterations = 500
a = np.random.randn(array_size, array_size)
timeit_iterations = 10
t1 = timeit.timeit(lambda: array_sum(a, array_size, iterations),
print("run time: {:.2f} ms".format(1e3*t1/timeit_iterations))

On my machine, MATLAB completes in 58 ms. The Python version runs in 292 ms, or 5X slower.

I also tried speeding up the Python code by adding the Numba JIT decorator @jit('f8[:,:](i8, i8)', nopython=True), but the time only dropped to 236 ms (4X slower).

This is slower than I expected. Am I using timeit improperly? Is there something wrong with my Python code?

EDIT: edited so that the random matrix is created outside of benchmarked function.

EDIT 2: I ran the benchmark using Torch instead of Numpy (calculating the sum as s = torch.add(s, 0.5, a)) and it runs in just 52 ms on my computer!

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Lorenz Forvang Avatar asked Sep 06 '17 05:09

Lorenz Forvang

2 Answers

From my experience, when using numba's jit function it's usually faster to expand array operations into loops. So I tried to rewrite your python function as:

@jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def array_sum_numba(a, array_size, iterations):
    s = np.zeros((array_size, array_size))
    for m in range(iterations):
        for i in range(array_size):
            for j in range(array_size):
                s[i,j] = a[i,j] + 0.5 * s[i,j]
    return s

And out of curiosity, I've also tested @percusse's version with a little modification on the parameter:

def array_sum2(r, array_size, iterations):
    s = np.zeros((array_size, array_size))
    for m in range(iterations):
        s /= 2
        s += r
    return s

The testing results on my machine are:

  • original version run time: 143.83 ms
  • numba jitted loop version run time: 26.99 ms
  • @percusse's version run time: 61.38 ms

This result is within my expectation. It's worthing mentioning that I've increased timeit iterations to 50, which results in some significant time reduction for numba version.

In summary: The Python code can still be significantly accelerated if you use numba's jit and write the function in loops. I don't have Matlab on my machine to test, but my guess is with numba the python version is faster.

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seekiu Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10


Since you are updating the same variable suitable for inplace operations, you can update your function as

def array_sum2(array_size, iterations):
    s = np.zeros((array_size, array_size))
    r = np.random.randn(array_size, array_size)
    for m in range(iterations):
        s /= 2
        s += r
    return s

This has given the following speed benefit on my machine compared to array_sum

run time: 157.32 ms
run time2: 672.43 ms
like image 29
percusse Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10
