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Subprocess.Popen: cloning stdout and stderr both to terminal and variables

Is it possible to modify code below to have printout from 'stdout 'and 'stderr':

  • printed on the terminal (in real time),
  • and finally stored in outs and errs variables?

The code:

#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  import subprocess  def run_cmd(command, cwd=None):     p = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=cwd, shell=False,                          stdout=subprocess.PIPE,                          stderr=subprocess.PIPE)     outs, errs = p.communicate()     rc = p.returncode     outs = outs.decode('utf-8')     errs = errs.decode('utf-8')      return (rc, (outs, errs)) 

Thanks to @unutbu, special thanks for @j-f-sebastian, final function:

#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-   import sys from queue import Queue from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from threading import Thread   def read_output(pipe, funcs):     for line in iter(pipe.readline, b''):         for func in funcs:             func(line.decode('utf-8'))     pipe.close()   def write_output(get):     for line in iter(get, None):         sys.stdout.write(line)   def run_cmd(command, cwd=None, passthrough=True):     outs, errs = None, None      proc = Popen(         command,         cwd=cwd,         shell=False,         close_fds=True,         stdout=PIPE,         stderr=PIPE,         bufsize=1         )      if passthrough:          outs, errs = [], []          q = Queue()          stdout_thread = Thread(             target=read_output, args=(proc.stdout, [q.put, outs.append])             )          stderr_thread = Thread(             target=read_output, args=(proc.stderr, [q.put, errs.append])             )          writer_thread = Thread(             target=write_output, args=(q.get,)             )          for t in (stdout_thread, stderr_thread, writer_thread):             t.daemon = True             t.start()          proc.wait()          for t in (stdout_thread, stderr_thread):             t.join()          q.put(None)          outs = ' '.join(outs)         errs = ' '.join(errs)      else:          outs, errs = proc.communicate()         outs = '' if outs == None else outs.decode('utf-8')         errs = '' if errs == None else errs.decode('utf-8')      rc = proc.returncode      return (rc, (outs, errs)) 
like image 848
Łukasz Zdun Avatar asked Jun 19 '13 11:06

Łukasz Zdun

People also ask

How subprocess popen works in Python?

The subprocess module defines one class, Popen and a few wrapper functions that use that class. The constructor for Popen takes arguments to set up the new process so the parent can communicate with it via pipes. It provides all of the functionality of the other modules and functions it replaces, and more.

How can we store subprocess call output in variable?

If you want to capture the output of the command, you should use subprocess. check_output(). It runs the command with arguments and returns its output as a byte string. You can decode the byte string to string using decode() function.

What is pipe in Popen?

The popen() function executes the command specified by the string command. It creates a pipe between the calling program and the executed command, and returns a pointer to a stream that can be used to either read from or write to the pipe.

What is subprocess Check_output?

The subprocess. check_output() is used to get the output of the calling program in python. It has 5 arguments; args, stdin, stderr, shell, universal_newlines. The args argument holds the commands that are to be passed as a string.

2 Answers

To capture and display at the same time both stdout and stderr from a child process line by line in a single thread, you could use asynchronous I/O:

#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import os import sys from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE  @asyncio.coroutine def read_stream_and_display(stream, display):     """Read from stream line by line until EOF, display, and capture the lines.      """     output = []     while True:         line = yield from stream.readline()         if not line:             break         output.append(line)         display(line) # assume it doesn't block     return b''.join(output)  @asyncio.coroutine def read_and_display(*cmd):     """Capture cmd's stdout, stderr while displaying them as they arrive     (line by line).      """     # start process     process = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd,             stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)      # read child's stdout/stderr concurrently (capture and display)     try:         stdout, stderr = yield from asyncio.gather(             read_stream_and_display(process.stdout, sys.stdout.buffer.write),             read_stream_and_display(process.stderr, sys.stderr.buffer.write))     except Exception:         process.kill()         raise     finally:         # wait for the process to exit         rc = yield from process.wait()     return rc, stdout, stderr  # run the event loop if os.name == 'nt':     loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop() # for subprocess' pipes on Windows     asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) else:     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() rc, *output = loop.run_until_complete(read_and_display(*cmd)) loop.close() 
like image 134
jfs Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09


You could spawn threads to read the stdout and stderr pipes, write to a common queue, and append to lists. Then use a third thread to print items from the queue.

import time import Queue import sys import threading import subprocess PIPE = subprocess.PIPE   def read_output(pipe, funcs):     for line in iter(pipe.readline, ''):         for func in funcs:             func(line)             # time.sleep(1)     pipe.close()  def write_output(get):     for line in iter(get, None):         sys.stdout.write(line)  process = subprocess.Popen(     ['random_print.py'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True, bufsize=1) q = Queue.Queue() out, err = [], [] tout = threading.Thread(     target=read_output, args=(process.stdout, [q.put, out.append])) terr = threading.Thread(     target=read_output, args=(process.stderr, [q.put, err.append])) twrite = threading.Thread(target=write_output, args=(q.get,)) for t in (tout, terr, twrite):     t.daemon = True     t.start() process.wait() for t in (tout, terr):     t.join() q.put(None) print(out) print(err) 

The reason for using the third thread -- instead of letting the first two threads both print directly to the terminal -- is to prevent both print statements from occurring concurrently, which can result in sometimes garbled text.

The above calls random_print.py, which prints to stdout and stderr at random:

import sys import time import random  for i in range(50):     f = random.choice([sys.stdout,sys.stderr])     f.write(str(i)+'\n')     f.flush()     time.sleep(0.1) 

This solution borrows code and ideas from J. F. Sebastian, here.

Here is an alternative solution for Unix-like systems, using select.select:

import collections import select import fcntl import os import time import Queue import sys import threading import subprocess PIPE = subprocess.PIPE  def make_async(fd):     # https://stackoverflow.com/a/7730201/190597     '''add the O_NONBLOCK flag to a file descriptor'''     fcntl.fcntl(         fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK)  def read_async(fd):     # https://stackoverflow.com/a/7730201/190597     '''read some data from a file descriptor, ignoring EAGAIN errors'''     # time.sleep(1)     try:         return fd.read()     except IOError, e:         if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN:             raise e         else:             return ''  def write_output(fds, outmap):     for fd in fds:         line = read_async(fd)         sys.stdout.write(line)         outmap[fd.fileno()].append(line)  process = subprocess.Popen(     ['random_print.py'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)  make_async(process.stdout) make_async(process.stderr) outmap = collections.defaultdict(list) while True:     rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select([process.stdout, process.stderr], [], [])     write_output(rlist, outmap)     if process.poll() is not None:         write_output([process.stdout, process.stderr], outmap)         break  fileno = {'stdout': process.stdout.fileno(),           'stderr': process.stderr.fileno()}  print(outmap[fileno['stdout']]) print(outmap[fileno['stderr']]) 

This solution uses code and ideas from Adam Rosenfield's post, here.

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unutbu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09
