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Sublime Text Update 3083 Error - Error Code 32

When trying to update Sublime Text 3 to version 3083 on a Windows 10 computer I keep getting an error message at the end of the update saying

'Unable to rename C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3 to C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3 (3083), error code: 32'

I looked it up on Microsoft's website and error 32 stands for 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process'.

So I tried closing down all other programs and tried updating again but I still get the same problem. I have also tried running the program as an administrator but the update creates the same error message.

I only have package control installed and the Haxe plugin installed and so I can't find any other reason why it wouldn't work, although I haven't updated it before.

Can anyone offer any advice?

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danielg Avatar asked Feb 22 '16 17:02


2 Answers

I was troubled by this problem for some days on Windows 10, and resolved it at last.

  1. Navicate to sublime text path, like 'C:/program files/sublime text/'
  2. find 'update_installer.exe' and 'sublime_text.exe'
  3. Open the file's properties - compatibility - Run as administrator...(Something like that, maybe the spelling is wrong)
  4. Select OK, and rerun sublime text.
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Amon Xu Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 18:09

Amon Xu

All the application is trying to do is copy the new files into the sublime program folder. You can do this yourself:

  1. Close your Sublime Text program
  2. Open a file browser C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Sublime Text 3\Update (or wherever your update landed)
  3. Open another C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3 (Make a backup of this folder if you want to be cautious)
  4. Copy everything from the update to the Program Files folder
  5. Run Sublime Text (you should now see the update dialog)
  6. Remove the update folder and backup if everything looks good
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Godwin Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 18:09
