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Split single view horizontally in Sublime



I'm using Sublime Text 3.

I want to edit a single file, but split it horizontally so I can edit two parts of the document (similar to MS Word).

Under view>layout>rows, it shows a file horizontally. However- it only allows a new file (not the same file).

Is this possible?

like image 252
Ycon Avatar asked Oct 20 '16 02:10


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To view two row (horizontal) panes side-by-side use the shortcut SHIFT-ALT-UP-2 (PC) or SHIFT-OPTION-⌘-2 (Mac). Replace the last stroke with “3” to view three panes respectively. If you want to split a pane further, you can use ST3's “Group” feature.

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Using that package, you can follow the following steps to get the layout that you're interested in: Select Origami: Create Pane Below command (or use the standard View > Layout > Rows: 2 menu item) to create two rows. Focus the bottom pane and select Origami: Create Pane on the Right.

What is sublime text3?

Sublime Text 3 (ST3) is a lightweight, cross-platform code editor known for its speed, ease of use, and strong community support. It's an incredible editor right out of the box, but the real power comes from the ability to enhance its functionality using Package Control and creating custom settings.

1 Answers

As you said you need to split the view by using View -> Layout - > Rows: 2. Then being on the Row 1 you need to go to File -> New View into File. It will open second tab with the same file. Then you can drag that tab to the Row 2.

like image 64
Nurjan Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
