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Sublime Text style ctrl-P Equivalent in Visual Studio 2010?


In Sublime Text et al, you can type Control-P to do an incremental file search.

In Visual Studio 2010:

Control-i does incremental text search

Control-, does incremental symbol search

Control-Shift-f, does Find All Files

What I would like is an incremental version of Control-Shift-F.

Does such a thing exist?

like image 919
Doug Avatar asked Aug 18 '12 18:08


1 Answers

Visual studio 2017 comes with this feature (called Edit.GoToAll). The default mapping is Ctrl + T or Ctrl + ,.

To change it click Tools -> Options and then under Environment/Keyboard search for GoToAll and assign Ctrl + P:


Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/whats-new-in-visual-studio#experience-improved-navigation-controls

like image 58
cheesemacfly Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10
