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Subject encoding on SmtpClient/MailMessage

I am trying to send emails that contain non-ASCII characters using the SmtpClient and MailMessage classes.

I am using an external mailing service (MailChimp) and some of my emails have been rejected by their SMTP server. I have contacted them and this is what they replied:

It appears the subject line is being Base64 encoded and then Quoted-Printable encoded, which generally should be fine, but one of the characters is being broken across two lines. So when your subject lines are a bit longer, in order to be processed correctly, it's broken on to two lines. When using UTF-8 quoted printable in a subject line, character strings aren't supposed to be broken between lines. Instead a line should be shorted so that the full character string remains together. In this case, that's not happening, so the string of characters that represents a single character is being broken across multiple lines, and therefore isn't validly UTF-8 quoted-printable encoded.

The problematic subject is the following:

Subject: XXXXXXX - 5 personnes vous ont nommé guide

Which is, in UTF-8/Base64:

Subject: WFhYWFhYWCAtIDUgcGVyc29ubmVzIHZvdXMgb250IG5vbW3DqSBndWlkZQ==

Because that header would exceed a certain maximum length (I am unsure whether it is the Quoted-Printable encoding and its limit of 76 characters per line, or the SMTP header limit), after encoding and split, the header will become:

Subject: =?utf-8?B?WFhYWFhYWCAtIDUgcGVyc29ubmVzIHZvdXMgb250IG5vbW3D?=

Apparently this causes an issue when decoding (because the first line cannot be decoded to a valid string). I am not sure I fully understand the problem, and I have the following questions:

  • Why is the ?utf-8?B? part repeated? Shouldn't the QP encoding happen before splitting the line and thus its header shouldn't be repeated?
  • After QP-decoding, shouldn't we end up with a valid 1-line Base64 string?
  • There is a space at the start of the second line which is outside of the QP encoding, could this be the problem?
  • Is the encoder broken, or it is the decoder?

Also note that some other SMTP servers will accept this message, though that does not mean it is valid.

As a workaround, I have tried disabling the Base64 encoding, which apparently is unnecessary, however the MailMessage class has a BodyTransferEncoding property that controls this encoding, but only for the body part of the message. No property seems to control the "transfer" encoding of the subject.

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Xavier Poinas Avatar asked Apr 16 '13 04:04

Xavier Poinas

2 Answers

This was confirmed as a bug in the MSDN forums:

And a bug was filed on Microsoft Connect: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/785710/mailmessage-subject-incorrectly-encoded-in-utf-8-base64

One work-around is to set the SubjectEncoding of the MailMessage to an other encoding, such as ISO-8859-1. In this case, the subject will be encoded in Quoted Printable (not Base64) which avoids the problem.

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Xavier Poinas Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09

Xavier Poinas

A better solution is to use Encoding.Unicode instead of Encoding.UTF8 for the SubjectEncoding.

It appears that, as the Microsoft implementation simply ignores the reality of UTF-16 being able to encode characters in more than two bytes (as seen on Why does C# use UTF-16 for strings?), the stable character size helps.

I've seen this used on https://gist.github.com/dbykadorov/9047455.

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Pablo Montilla Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09

Pablo Montilla