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Subclassing WPF Window

I created a WPF Window

than i modified its class definition to:

public partial class myWindow : mySubclassedWindow

compiler throws:

"Partial declarations of 'myWindow' must not specify different base classes"



so somewhere, there is another partial class, that inherits from "Window" but i cannot find it. How can i override my case to use subclassed window?

thanks Jon, that was the problem. also found this helpful article: http://geekswithblogs.net/lbugnion/archive/2007/03/02/107747.aspx

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Sonic Soul Avatar asked Jul 07 '10 18:07

Sonic Soul

1 Answers

That would be in the declaration of myWindow itself - the designer will be generating the other half of the partial type based on the XAML, based on your element type.

You can use an element of <mySubclassedWindow> instead, so long as you give it the appropriate namespace and assembly references.

EDIT: Okay, so here's a short example, in a project called WpfApplication. My Window subclass:

using System.Windows;

namespace WpfApplication
    public class EnhancedWindow : Window


<y:EnhancedWindow x:Class="WpfApplication.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">

My partial type:

namespace WpfApplication
    public partial class MainWindow : EnhancedWindow
        public MainWindow()

It all builds with no problem. I think that's what you wanted to do, right?

like image 94
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10

Jon Skeet