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struts.xml and struts-config.xml


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How does Struts-config xml work?

The controller servlet uses a struts-config. xml file to map incoming requests to Struts Action objects, and instantiate any ActionForm objects associated with the action to temporarily store form data. The Action object processes requests using its execute method, while making use of any data stored in the form bean.

What is Struts what configuration files are used in struts?

The struts. xml file contains the configuration information that you will be modifying as actions are developed. This file can be used to override default settings for an application, for example struts.

Where is struts xml?

The core configuration file for the framework is the default ( struts. xml ) file and should reside on the classpath of the webapp (generally /WEB-INF/classes ). The default file may include other configuration files as needed.

Can we have multiple struts xml?

yes it is possible to have different struts configuration files. All files will be having same syntax for configuration like DOCTYPE etc.

What is the difference between struts.xml and struts-config.xml? Are both the same or is there any difference between them?