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Structuring a Statistical Analysis with R Using Emacs/ESS

I am looking for a way to structure my statistical analysis. I currently use Emacs/ESS and the analysis file turned out quite long. I have started to put parts of the code into sourceable functions in a separate file, but still...

I would like to introduce some kind of subheadings/ section titles in the file (Aggregation, Cluster-analysis, Simulations, ...) and write the code beneath it, so I could quickly jump to the sections that I want to work on.

I guess I could just use comments and search for them, but I couldn't get an overview or an index that way. I also thought about using Org-Mode for the Headlines, but that wouldn't be very convenient for collaborators, who work with another Editor.

I know R-Studio implements this with sections, so there will be a solution for emacs, right?

Thank you very much!

PS: something like imenu would work, but that's just for functions, not for sections

like image 608
stats-hb Avatar asked Feb 18 '13 16:02


People also ask

How do I use ESS in Emacs?

This function displays all available packages. In Emacs-speak this means pressing the Alt (modify) key and the lowercase 'x' key, followed by 'list-packages' and return. You can find ESS by pressing 'f' and search for the package. Type 'i' to mark it for installation and press 'x' to execute the installation.

How do I use R in Emacs?

Start up Emacs without a file argument - just type emacs & at the prompt. Now execute R-mode - enter M-x R Think of M-x as `execute' and `R' for R. Emacs will then ask you for your R Starting Directory - enter the directory where you want to create a new (or open an already existing one) .

What is ESS in coding?

Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) is an Emacs package for programming in statistical languages. It adds two types of modes to emacs: ESS modes for editing statistical languages like R, SAS and Julia; and. inferior ESS (iESS) modes for interacting with statistical processes like R and SAS.

2 Answers

In general I use org-mode and org-babel, but when I've got to share scripts with others, I've got the following in my .emacs :

(defgroup ess-jb-faces nil
  "Faces used by cutomized ess-mode"
  :group 'faces)

(defface ess-jb-comment-face
  '((t (:background "cornsilk" 
    :foreground "DimGrey"
    :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
  "Face used to highlight comments."
  :group 'ess-jb-faces)

(defface ess-jb-comment-bold-face
  '((t (:weight bold
    :inherit ess-jb-comment-face)))
  "Face used to highlight bold in comments."
  :group 'ess-jb-faces)

(defface ess-jb-h1-face
  '((t (:height 1.6 
    :weight bold 
    :foreground "MediumBlue"
    :inherit ess-jb-comment-face)))
  "Face used to highlight h1 headers."
  :group 'ess-jb-faces)

(defface ess-jb-h2-face
  '((t (:height 1.2 
    :weight bold 
    :foreground "DarkViolet"
    :inherit ess-jb-comment-face)))
  "Face used to highlight h2 headers."
  :group 'ess-jb-faces)

(defface ess-jb-h3-face
  '((t (:height 1.0 
    :weight bold 
    :foreground "DarkViolet"
    :inherit ess-jb-comment-face)))
  "Face used to highlight h3 headers."
  :group 'ess-jb-faces)

(defface ess-jb-hide-face
  '((t (:foreground "white"
    :background "white"
    :inherit ess-jb-comment-face)))
  "Face used to hide characters."
  :group 'ess-jb-faces)

(font-lock-add-keywords 'ess-mode
   '(("^###\\(#\\)\\([^#].*\\)$" (1 'ess-jb-hide-face t)(2 'ess-jb-h1-face t))
     ("^###\\(##\\)\\([^#].*\\)$" (1 'ess-jb-hide-face t)(2 'ess-jb-h2-face t))
     ("^###\\(###\\)\\([^#].*\\)$" (1 'ess-jb-hide-face t)(2 'ess-jb-h3-face t))
     ("^###\\( .*\\|$\\)" 1 'ess-jb-comment-face t)
     ("^###" "\\*.*?\\*" nil nil (0 'ess-jb-comment-bold-face append))

With this, any comment with #### at the beginning of the line is formatted as an "header 1". Any comment with ##### is formatted as an "header 2", etc. And lines which begin with ### is seen as a comment with a special font-lock (used for long comments).

This can give something like this :

enter image description here

This is quite hacky, but the advantage is that it only uses standard R comments and as such can be shared without problem with others. In general I use the following for "header 1" : others see it as below, while I enjoy my defined font-lock :

#### HEADER 1

With this syntax, you can also use the following to activate outline-minor-mode on the sections defined previously and be able to fold/unfold them :

(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
      '(lambda ()
         (auto-complete-mode nil)
         (outline-minor-mode 1)
         (setq outline-regexp "\\(^#\\{4,6\\}\\)\\|\\(^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+ ?<- ?function(.*{\\)")
         (setq outline-heading-alist
           '(("####" . 1) ("#####" . 2) ("######" . 3)
             ("^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+ ?<- ?function(.*{" .4)))))

All this code has not been very well tested, and I'm far from an expert in emacs lisp, so there should be better ways to do it, and don't be surprised in case of bugs !

like image 145
juba Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 07:11


Recent (Feb 2013) additions to Orgmode mean that you should now be able to embed org headings in your source code, and then navigate through them using orgstruct-mode. So, upgrade your org mode via git, and then try opening the following example R file. When you are on a comment line that has an org heading embedded, just hit TAB, or shift-TAB, and you should get org-mode headings.

### * Create data
data = list( s1=list(x=1:3, y=3:1), 
     s2=list(x=1:5, y=1:5), s3=list(x=1:4, y=rep(3,4)))

### * Base graphics version

lapply(data, plot)

### * Lattice version

nplots <- length(data)
pts.per.plot <- sapply(data, function(l) length(l$x))
df <- data.frame(which=rep(1:nplots, times=pts.per.plot),
                 x=unlist(sapply(data, function(l) l$x)),
                 y=unlist(sapply(data, function(l) l$y)))

xyplot(y~x|which, data=df, layout=c(2,2))

### ** Make the pdf
xyplot(y~x|which, data=df, layout=c(2,1))                 

### * End of file

### Local Variables:
### eval: (orgstruct-mode 1)
### orgstruct-heading-prefix-regexp: "### "
### End:
like image 11
Stephen Eglen Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 08:11

Stephen Eglen