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StructureMap singletons varying by argument?

Using StructureMap, is it possible to have a singleton object for each value of an argument? For example, say I want to maintain a different singleton for each website in a multi-tenancy web app:


I want to maintain a different singleton object corresponding to each site:


Currently, it seems to create a new object every time I try to resolve ISiteSettings.

like image 344
Chris Fulstow Avatar asked Jan 22 '23 13:01

Chris Fulstow

1 Answers

Thanks Joshua, I took your advice. Here's the solution I finished up with, which seems to work fine. Any feedback appreciated.

public class TenantLifecycle : ILifecycle
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, MainObjectCache> _tenantCaches =
        new ConcurrentDictionary<string, MainObjectCache>();

    public IObjectCache FindCache()
        var cache = _tenantCaches.GetOrAdd(TenantKey, new MainObjectCache());
        return cache;

    public void EjectAll()

    public string Scope
        get { return "Tenant"; }

    protected virtual string TenantKey
            var requestHost = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
            var normalisedRequestHost = requestHost.ToLowerInvariant();
            return normalisedRequestHost;

With StructureMap configuration:

    x => x.For<ISiteSettings>()
        .LifecycleIs(new TenantLifecycle())
like image 84
Chris Fulstow Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 19:01

Chris Fulstow