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Structured bindings and tuple of references




I'm encountering a problem in the design of a simple zip function, that would be called this way:

for (auto [x, y] : zip(std::vector{1,2,3}, std:vector{-1, -2, -3}) {
    // ...

So zip would return an object of type zip_range, itself exposing begin and end functions returning a zip_iterator.

Now, a zip_iterator, as I implemented it, uses a std::tuple<Iterators> -where Iterators are the types of the zipped containers' iterators- to keep tracks of its position in the zipped containers. When I dereference a zip_iterator, I obtain a tuple of references to the zipped containers' elements. The problem is it doesn't fit well with the structured bindings syntax:

std::vector a{1,2,3}, b{-1, -2, -3};
for (auto [x, y] : zip(a, b)) { // syntax suggests by value
    std::cout << ++x << ", " << --y << '\n'; // but this affects a's and b's content

for (auto& [x, y] : zip(a, b)) { // syntax suggests by reference
    // fails to compile: binding lvalue ref to temporary

So my question is: can you see a way to reconcile this reference-tuple's actual type (temporary value) with its semantics (lvalue, allows to modify the content it's refering to)?

I hope my question isn't too broad. Here's a working example, to compile with clang++ prog.cc -Wall -Wextra -std=gnu++2a (it won't work with gcc due to a bug in the way gcc handles deduction guides):

#include <tuple>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <functional>

template <typename Fn, typename Argument, std::size_t... Ns>
auto tuple_map_impl(Fn&& fn, Argument&& argument, std::index_sequence<Ns...>) {
    if constexpr (sizeof...(Ns) == 0) return std::tuple<>(); // empty tuple
    else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<decltype(fn(std::get<0>(argument))), void>) {
        auto _ = {(fn(std::get<Ns>(argument)), 0)...}; // no return value expected
    // then dispatch lvalue, rvalue ref, temporary
    else if constexpr (std::is_lvalue_reference_v<decltype(fn(std::get<0>(argument)))>) {
        return std::tie(fn(std::get<Ns>(argument))...);
    else if constexpr (std::is_rvalue_reference_v<decltype(fn(std::get<0>(argument)))>) {
        return std::forward_as_tuple(fn(std::get<Ns>(argument))...);
    else {
        return std::tuple(fn(std::get<Ns>(argument))...);

template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_tuple_impl_v = false;

template <typename... Ts>
constexpr bool is_tuple_impl_v<std::tuple<Ts...>> = true;

template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_tuple_v = is_tuple_impl_v<std::decay_t<T>>;

template <typename Fn, typename Tuple>
auto tuple_map(Fn&& fn, Tuple&& tuple) {
    static_assert(is_tuple_v<Tuple>, "tuple_map implemented only for tuples");
    return tuple_map_impl(std::forward<Fn>(fn), std::forward<Tuple>(tuple),

template <typename... Iterators>
class zip_iterator {
    using value_type = std::tuple<typename std::decay_t<Iterators>::value_type...>;
    using difference_type = std::size_t;
    using pointer = value_type*;
    using reference = value_type&;
    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

    zip_iterator(Iterators... iterators) : iters(iterators...) {}
    zip_iterator(const std::tuple<Iterators...>& iter_tuple) : iters(iter_tuple) {}
    zip_iterator(const zip_iterator&) = default;
    zip_iterator(zip_iterator&&) = default;

    zip_iterator& operator=(const zip_iterator&) = default;
    zip_iterator& operator=(zip_iterator&&) = default;

    bool operator != (const zip_iterator& other) const { return iters != other.iters; }

    zip_iterator& operator++() { 
        tuple_map([](auto& iter) { ++iter; }, iters);
        return *this;
    zip_iterator operator++(int) {
        auto tmp = *this;
        return tmp;
    auto operator*() {
        return tuple_map([](auto i) -> decltype(auto) { return *i; }, iters);  
    auto operator*() const {
        return tuple_map([](auto i) -> decltype(auto) { return *i; }, iters);
    std::tuple<Iterators...> iters;

template <typename... Containers>
struct zip {
    using iterator = zip_iterator<decltype(std::remove_reference_t<Containers>().begin())...>;
    template <typename... Container_types>
    zip(Container_types&&... containers) : containers_(containers...) {}
    auto begin() { return iterator(tuple_map([](auto&& i) { return std::begin(i); }, containers_)); }
    auto end()   { return iterator(tuple_map([](auto&& i) { return std::end(i); },   containers_)); }
    std::tuple<Containers...> containers_;

template <typename... Container_types>
zip(Container_types&&... containers) -> zip<std::conditional_t<std::is_lvalue_reference_v<Container_types>,

int main() {

    std::vector a{1,2,3}, b{-1, -2, -3};

    for (auto [x, y] : zip(a, b)) { // syntax suggests by value
        std::cout << x++ << ", " << y-- << '\n'; // but this affects a's and b's content
    for (auto [x, y] : zip(a, b)) { 
        std::cout << x << ", " << y << '\n'; // new content
    //for (auto& [x, y] : zip(a, b)) { // syntax suggests by reference
        // fails to compile: binding lvalue ref to temporary

like image 985
papagaga Avatar asked Apr 03 '18 10:04


2 Answers

Technically, this is less a structured bindings issue than it is a reference-semantic type issue. auto x = y does look like it's copying and then acting on an independent type, which is decidedly not the case for types like tuple<T&...> (and reference_wrapper<T> and string_view and span<T> and others).

However, as T.C. suggests in the comments, there are some horrible things you can do to make this work. Mind you, don't actually do them. I think your implementation is correct. But just for completeness. And general interest.

First, the wording for structured bindings indicates a difference in how get() is invoked based on the value category of the underlying object. If it's an lvalue reference (i.e. auto& or auto const&), get() is invoked on an lvalue. Otherwise, it's invoked on an xvalue. We need to take advantage of this by making:

for (auto [x, y] : zip(a, b)) { ... }

do one thing, and

for (auto& [x, y] : zip(a, b)) { ... }

do something else. That something else needs to be, first and foremost, actually compiling. To do that, your zip_iterator::operator* needs to return an lvalue. To do that, it actually needs to store within it a tuple<T&...>. The easiest way (in my opinion) to do that is to store an optional<tuple<T&...>> and have operator* do an emplace() on it and return its value(). That is:

template <typename... Iterators>
class zip_iterator {
    // ...
    auto& operator*() {
        value.emplace(tuple_map([](auto i) -> decltype(auto) { return *i; }, iters));
        return *value;

    // no more operator*() const. You didn't need it anyway?

    std::tuple<Iterators...> iters;

    using deref_types = std::tuple<decltype(*std::declval<Iterators>())...>;
    std::optional<deref_types> value;

But that still gets us the problem of wanting different get()s. To address that issue, we need our own tuple type - which provides its own get()s, such that when invoked an an lvalue it yields lvalues, but when invoked on an xvalue it yields prvalues.

Which I think is something like this:

template <typename... Ts>
struct zip_tuple : std::tuple<Ts...> {
    using base = std::tuple<Ts...>;
    using base::base;

    template <typename... Us,
         std::enable_if_t<(std::is_constructible_v<Ts, Us&&> && ...), int> = 0>
    zip_tuple(std::tuple<Us...>&& rhs)
         : base(std::move(rhs))
    { }

    template <size_t I>
    auto& get() & {
        return std::get<I>(*this);

    template <size_t I>
    auto& get() const& {
        return std::get<I>(*this);

    template <size_t I>
    auto get() && {
        return std::get<I>(*this);

    template <size_t I>
    auto get() const&& {
        return std::get<I>(*this);

namespace std {
    template <typename... Ts>
    struct tuple_size<zip_tuple<Ts...>>
        : tuple_size<tuple<Ts...>>
    { };

    template <size_t I, typename... Ts>
    struct tuple_element<I, zip_tuple<Ts...>>
        : tuple_element<I, tuple<remove_reference_t<Ts>...>>
    { };

In the non-lvalue-reference case, this means we bind a bunch of rvalue references to temporaries, which is fine - they get lifetime extended.

Now change just the deref_types alias to be a zip_tuple instead of a std::tuple and you have your desired behavior.

Two unrelated notes.

1) Your deduction guide can be reduced to just:

template <typename... Container_types>
zip(Container_types&&... containers) -> zip<Container_types...>;

If Container_types isn't an lvalue reference type, then it simply isn't a reference type, and remove_reference_t<Container_types> is Container_types.

2) gcc has a bug with regards to the way you're trying to construct zip<>. So to make it compile with both, prefer:

template <typename... Containers>
struct zip {
    zip(Containers... containers) : containers_(std::forward<Containers>(containers)...) { }

You're intended usage is to go through the deduction guide anyway, so this shouldn't cost you anything in favor of having it working on multiple compilers.

like image 195
Barry Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 17:10


You can trivially “advertise” the reference semantics with

for (auto&& [x, y] : zip(a, b)) {

No expert will “fall for it”, but hopefully they understand that, even with auto [x, y], the valueness applies to the composite (which must be a prvalue for obvious reasons), not to the decomposed names, which are never copies of anything (unless a customized get makes them such).

like image 23
Davis Herring Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 19:10

Davis Herring