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Structure Map - I dont want to use the greediest constructor!



I am trying to configure the NCommon NHRepository in my project with Structure Map. How do I stop it from choosing the greediest constructor?

 public class NHRepository<TEntity> : RepositoryBase<TEntity>

    public NHRepository () {}

    public NHRepository(ISession session)
        _privateSession = session; 


My structure map configuration

ForRequestedType(typeof (IRepository<>))

Cheers Jake

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superlogical Avatar asked Jul 02 '09 11:07


2 Answers

You can set the [DefaultConstructor] Attribute for the constructor you wish as a default. In your case, setting it on the NHRepository() constructor would make it the default constuctor for StructureMap to initialize.

Update: well, in the latest version of StructureMap, using .NET 3.5 you can also specify it using the SelectConstructor method:

var container = new Container(x =>
  x.SelectConstructor<NHRepository>(()=>new NHRepository());

Finally, I'm sure you would be able to define it in the XML configuration of StructureMap, but I haven't used that. You could do a little search on it. For more information on the above method, see: http://structuremap.sourceforge.net/ConstructorAndSetterInjection.htm#section3

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Razzie Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11


So +1 for Razzie because this would work if the NHRepository was in my own assembly, instead I choose to wrap the NHRepository with my own Repository like below..

public class Repository<T> : NHRepository<T>
    public Repository()


    public Repository(ISession session)


ForRequestedType(typeof (IRepository<>))
                .TheDefaultIsConcreteType(typeof (Repository<>));
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superlogical Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
