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StructureMap: How to set lifecycle on types connected with ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing

In my registry I have

Scan(scanner =>

What am I supposed to do to define these all as Singletons?

Also as an aside to this question, is there any reason to not define everything that is stateless as a singleton object that's registered in StructureMap?

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Chris Marisic Avatar asked Jan 25 '10 13:01

Chris Marisic

2 Answers

Kevin's answer is correct for versions 2.5.4 and older. In the current StructureMap trunk (and when 2.5.5+ is released), you can now do:

Scan(scanner =>
          .OnAddedPluginTypes(t => t.Singleton());
like image 179
Joshua Flanagan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09

Joshua Flanagan

The assembly scanner method ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing uses a IRegistrationConvention to get the job done. To do this I copied and updated the StructureMap generic connection scanner to also take a scope. Next I created a handy assembly scanner extension method to use as syntactic sugar to wire it up.

    public class GenericConnectionScannerWithScope : IRegistrationConvention
    private readonly Type _openType;
    private readonly InstanceScope _instanceScope;

    public GenericConnectionScannerWithScope(Type openType, InstanceScope instanceScope)
        _openType = openType;
        _instanceScope = instanceScope;

        if (!_openType.IsOpenGeneric())
            throw new ApplicationException("This scanning convention can only be used with open generic types");

    public void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
        Type interfaceType = type.FindInterfaceThatCloses(_openType);
        if (interfaceType != null)

public static class StructureMapConfigurationExtensions
    public static void ConnectImplementationsToSingletonTypesClosing(this IAssemblyScanner assemblyScanner, Type openGenericType)
        assemblyScanner.With(new GenericConnectionScannerWithScope(openGenericType, InstanceScope.Singleton));

Here is the appropriate setup code.

Scan(scanner =>

Hope this helps.

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KevM Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
