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String.Format like functionality in T-SQL?




People also ask

What is string format in SQL?

A format string is a string that contains one or more predefined format specifiers , which are single characters or groups of characters that define how the output should be formatted. SQL Server only accepts format strings that are supported by the . NET Framework.

What does format function do in SQL?

SQL Server FORMAT() Function The FORMAT() function formats a value with the specified format (and an optional culture in SQL Server 2017). Use the FORMAT() function to format date/time values and number values. For general data type conversions, use CAST() or CONVERT().

How do I write a like query in SQL Server?

The SQL LIKE OperatorThe LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column. There are two wildcards often used in conjunction with the LIKE operator: The percent sign (%) represents zero, one, or multiple characters. The underscore sign (_) represents one, single character.

What are string functions in SQL?

A string function is a function that takes a string value as an input regardless of the data type of the returned value. In SQL Server, there are many built-in string functions that can be used by developers.

If you are using SQL Server 2012 and above, you can use FORMATMESSAGE. eg.

DECLARE @s NVARCHAR(50) = 'World';
DECLARE @d INT = 123;
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('Hello %s, %d', @s, @d)
-- RETURNS 'Hello World, 123'

More examples from MSDN: FORMATMESSAGE

SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('Signed int %i, %d %i, %d, %+i, %+d, %+i, %+d', 5, -5, 50, -50, -11, -11, 11, 11);
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('Signed int with leading zero %020i', 5);
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('Signed int with leading zero 0 %020i', -55);
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('Unsigned int %u, %u', 50, -50);
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('Unsigned octal %o, %o', 50, -50);
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('Unsigned hexadecimal %x, %X, %X, %X, %x', 11, 11, -11, 50, -50);
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('Unsigned octal with prefix: %#o, %#o', 50, -50);
SELECT FORMATMESSAGE('Unsigned hexadecimal with prefix: %#x, %#X, %#X, %X, %x', 11, 11, -11, 50, -50);


  • Undocumented in 2012
  • Limited to 2044 characters
  • To escape the % sign, you need to double it.
  • If you are logging errors in extended events, calling FORMATMESSAGE comes up as a (harmless) error

take a look at xp_sprintf. example below.

DECLARE @ret_string varchar (255)
EXEC xp_sprintf @ret_string OUTPUT, 
    'INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s, %s)', 'table1', '1', '2'
PRINT @ret_string

Result looks like this:

INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1, 2)

Just found an issue with the max size (255 char limit) of the string with this so there is an alternative function you can use:

create function dbo.fnSprintf (@s varchar(MAX), 
                @params varchar(MAX), @separator char(1) = ',')
returns varchar(MAX)
declare @p varchar(MAX)
declare @paramlen int

set @params = @params + @separator
set @paramlen = len(@params)
while not @params = ''
    set @p = left(@params+@separator, charindex(@separator, @params)-1)
    set @s = STUFF(@s, charindex('%s', @s), 2, @p)
    set @params = substring(@params, len(@p)+2, @paramlen)
return @s

To get the same result as above you call the function as follows:

print dbo.fnSprintf('INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s, %s)', 'table1,1,2', default)

I have created a user defined function to mimic the string.format functionality. You can use it.


This version allows the user to change the delimitter.

-- DROP function will loose the security settings.
IF object_id('[dbo].[svfn_FormatString]') IS NOT NULL
    DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[svfn_FormatString]

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[svfn_FormatString]
    @Format NVARCHAR(4000),
    @Parameters NVARCHAR(4000),
    @Delimiter CHAR(1) = ','
        Name: [dbo].[svfn_FormatString]
        Creation Date: 12/18/2020

        Purpose: Returns the formatted string (Just like in C-Sharp)

        Input Parameters:   @Format         = The string to be Formatted
                            @Parameters     = The comma separated list of parameters
                            @Delimiter      = The delimitter to be used in the formatting process

        Format:             @Format         = N'Hi {0}, Welcome to our site {1}. Thank you {0}'
                            @Parameters     = N'Karthik,google.com'
                            @Delimiter      = ','           
            SELECT dbo.svfn_FormatString(N'Hi {0}, Welcome to our site {1}. Thank you {0}', N'Karthik,google.com', default)
            SELECT dbo.svfn_FormatString(N'Hi {0}, Welcome to our site {1}. Thank you {0}', N'Karthik;google.com', ';')
    DECLARE @Message NVARCHAR(400)
    DECLARE @ParamTable TABLE ( Id INT IDENTITY(0,1), Paramter VARCHAR(1000))

    SELECT @Message = @Format

    ;WITH CTE (StartPos, EndPos) AS
        SELECT 1, CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @Parameters)
        UNION ALL
        SELECT EndPos + (LEN(@Delimiter)), CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @Parameters, EndPos + (LEN(@Delimiter)))
        FROM CTE
        WHERE EndPos > 0

    INSERT INTO @ParamTable ( Paramter )
        [Id] = SUBSTRING(@Parameters, StartPos, CASE WHEN EndPos > 0 THEN EndPos - StartPos ELSE 4000 END )

    UPDATE @ParamTable 
        @Message = REPLACE(@Message, '{'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR, Id) + '}', Paramter )

    RETURN @Message

There is a way, but it has its limitations. You can use the FORMATMESSAGE() function. It allows you to format a string using formatting similar to the printf() function in C.

However, the biggest limitation is that it will only work with messages in the sys.messages table. Here's an article about it: microsoft_library_ms186788

It's kind of a shame there isn't an easier way to do this, because there are times when you want to format a string/varchar in the database. Hopefully you are only looking to format a string in a standard way and can use the sys.messages table.

Coincidentally, you could also use the RAISERROR() function with a very low severity, the documentation for raiseerror even mentions doing this, but the results are only printed. So you wouldn't be able to do anything with the resulting value (from what I understand).

Good luck!