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String parsing, extracting numbers and letters

What's the easiest way to parse a string and extract a number and a letter? I have string that can be in the following format (number|letter or letter|number), i.e "10A", "B5", "C10", "1G", etc.

I need to extract the 2 parts, i.e. "10A" -> "10" and "A".

Update: Thanks to everyone for all the excellent answers

like image 806
Matt Warren Avatar asked Apr 09 '09 16:04

Matt Warren

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1 Answers

Easiest way is probably to use regular expressions.


You can then match it with your string and extract the value from the groups.

Match match = regex.Match("10A");
string letter = match.Groups["letter"].Value;
int number = int.Parse(match.Groups["number"].Value);
like image 133
Samuel Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11
