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Strategy for using emacs now that Apple removed the escape key?

Apple removed the escape key and replaced it with the OLED touch bar. This has implications for emacs users, particularly for UNIX/emacs users who have decades of muscle memory to overcome with this change. Fortunately the touch bar escape key appears to always be there when you need it, but is more difficult to feel and is offset from the tilde key making it even more difficult.

Time will tell if it is possible to retrain muscle memory to reliably hit this new escape key, but in the meantime I am looking for another strategy to replace the escape key when using emacs.

Any help?

like image 582
patrickkidd Avatar asked Mar 15 '17 16:03


1 Answers

I mapped key-board quit to C-g and that works well. Between setting the "Use Option as Meta Key" in Terminal.app's Edit Menu (which also adds a touch bar button to easily toggle this behavior) and mapping keyboard-quit I think I'm good to go.

like image 180
patrickkidd Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
