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Strategies for concurrent read/writing and reading in SQLite

I have an SQLite database that I am keeping open and writing to in process A. I would like to be able to use it from process B on a read-only basis.

According to the document,

  • if the database is UNLOCKED the database may not be read (or written) - unsuitable
  • if the database is SHARED then two processes can read it but the first can't write - unsuitable
  • if a process wants to write it needs an EXCLUSIVE lock which means no other processes can write - unsuitable

The process A will be making lots of little writes so I don't think making a copy on each transaction commit will be efficient.

The only way I can see it is for the reader to wait until the database enters UNLOCKED state, get a SHARED lock for the duration of the read and then release it. Meanwhile process A will want to write and will be blocked until the lock becomes available - if it ever does (what if process B crashes?). This means that process A and process B will be in contention for locks - B wants SHARED and A wants EXCLUSIVE and this will slow things down or even lead to concurrency problems.

Is there any way to achieve my aim of concurrent writing and reading?

like image 704
Joe Avatar asked Aug 24 '12 21:08


1 Answers

Use WAL mode. It supports concurrent readers and one writer.

like image 124
Doug Currie Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Doug Currie