Im developing an Android application and now I am getting a very strange error I have no idea why it happens. This is not my first app I am developing, but I never had such a error before. Maybe someone has an idea, what are possible causes of this. I also found no similar problem in the internet.
My project is also really big and so with this error message I dont really know which code could cause this, that is why here is no code.
A/zygote64:] Check failed: it->AsMirrorPtr()->AtomicSetMarkBit(1, 0)
A/zygote64:] Runtime aborting...
A/zygote64:] Aborting thread:
A/zygote64:] "HeapTaskDaemon" prio=5 tid=8 WaitingPerformingGc
A/zygote64:] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 flags=0 obj=0x1bb04b58 self=0x722bcd2a00
A/zygote64:] | sysTid=29600 nice=4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7236c7d4f0
A/zygote64:] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=3 stm=2 core=3 HZ=100
A/zygote64:] | stack=0x7236b7b000-0x7236b7d000 stackSize=1037KB
"] | held mutexes= "abort lock"
"] native: #00 pc 000000000039770c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+212)
"] native: #01 pc 000000000045dd74 /system/lib64/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEbP12BacktraceMapb+348)
"] native: #02 pc 000000000044546c /system/lib64/ (_ZNK3art10AbortState10DumpThreadERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEPNS_6ThreadE+56)
"] native: #03 pc 000000000044527c /system/lib64/ (_ZNK3art10AbortState4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+456)
"] native: #04 pc 00000000004372ec /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEPKc+172)
"] native: #05 pc 0000000000437b60 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Runtime7AborterEPKc+24)
"] native: #06 pc 000000000052203c /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android4base10LogMessageD1Ev+900)
"] native: #07 pc 00000000001d3f34 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc9collector17ConcurrentCopying11FinishPhaseEv+564)
"] native: #08 pc 00000000001d2854 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc9collector17ConcurrentCopying9RunPhasesEv+1552)
"] native: #09 pc 00000000001e6688 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc9collector16GarbageCollector3RunENS0_7GcCauseEb+352)
"] native: #10 pc 000000000020a8a4 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22CollectGarbageInternalENS0_9collector6GcTypeENS0_7GcCauseEb+3632)
"] native: #11 pc 0000000000218778 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap12ConcurrentGCEPNS_6ThreadENS0_7GcCauseEb+128)
"] native: #12 pc 0000000000220aa8 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap16ConcurrentGCTask3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+40)
"] native: #13 pc 000000000024162c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc13TaskProcessor11RunAllTasksEPNS_6ThreadE+64)
"] native: #14 pc 000000000020c8ac /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.oat (???)
"] at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
"] at java.lang.Daemons$HeapTaskDaemon.runInternal(
"] at java.lang.Daemons$
"] at
"] Dumping all threads without appropriate locks held: thread list lock mutator lock
"] All threads:
"] "HeapTaskDaemon" prio=5 tid=8 Runnable
"] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 flags=0 obj=0x1bb04b58 self=0x722bcd2a00
"] | sysTid=29600 nice=4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7236c7d4f0
"] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=5 stm=2 core=3 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7236b7b000-0x7236b7d000 stackSize=1037KB
"] | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held)
"] native: #00 pc 000000000039770c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+212)
"] native: #01 pc 000000000045dd74 /system/lib64/ (_ZNK3art6Thread9DumpStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEbP12BacktraceMapb+348)
"] native: #02 pc 0000000000474d58 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art14DumpCheckpoint3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+880)
"] native: #03 pc 000000000046d804 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList13RunCheckpointEPNS_7ClosureES2_+476)
"] native: #04 pc 000000000046d214 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEb+796)
"] native: #05 pc 000000000044528c /system/lib64/ (_ZNK3art10AbortState4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+472)
"] native: #06 pc 00000000004372ec /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEPKc+172)
"] native: #07 pc 0000000000437b60 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Runtime7AborterEPKc+24)
"] native: #08 pc 000000000052203c /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android4base10LogMessageD1Ev+900)
"] native: #09 pc 00000000001d3f34 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc9collector17ConcurrentCopying11FinishPhaseEv+564)
"] native: #10 pc 00000000001d2854 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc9collector17ConcurrentCopying9RunPhasesEv+1552)
"] native: #11 pc 00000000001e6688 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc9collector16GarbageCollector3RunENS0_7GcCauseEb+352)
"] native: #12 pc 000000000020a8a4 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap22CollectGarbageInternalENS0_9collector6GcTypeENS0_7GcCauseEb+3632)
"] native: #13 pc 0000000000218778 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap12ConcurrentGCEPNS_6ThreadENS0_7GcCauseEb+128)
"] native: #14 pc 0000000000220aa8 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc4Heap16ConcurrentGCTask3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+40)
"] native: #15 pc 000000000024162c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art2gc13TaskProcessor11RunAllTasksEPNS_6ThreadE+64)
"] native: #16 pc 000000000020c8ac /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_runHeapTasks__+124)
"] at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
"] at java.lang.Daemons$HeapTaskDaemon.runInternal(
"] at java.lang.Daemons$
"] at
"] "main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x73514e10 self=0x72420c7a00
"] | sysTid=29589 nice=-10 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7246d339b0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=520 stm=49 core=2 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7fcd99e000-0x7fcd9a0000 stackSize=8MB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0x8c/0xe0
"] kernel: futex_wait_queue_me+0xd0/0x160
"] kernel: futex_wait+0xe4/0x210
"] kernel: do_futex+0x168/0xc48
"] kernel: SyS_futex+0x11c/0x1b0
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000001dc6c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000e1c5c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable16WaitHoldingLocksEPNS_6ThreadE+152)
"] native: #02 pc 00000000004e18e8 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3artL12GoToRunnableEPNS_6ThreadE+440)
"] native: #03 pc 00000000004e16e8 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art12JniMethodEndEjPNS_6ThreadE+28)
"] native: #04 pc 00000000001faf7c /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce__JI+156)
"] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
"] at
"] at android.os.Looper.loop(
"] at
"] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native method)
"] at$
"] at
"] "Jit thread pool worker thread 0" prio=5 tid=2 Native
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb00000 self=0x723720e000
"] | sysTid=29594 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x723780c4f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=189 stm=50 core=2 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x723770e000-0x7237710000 stackSize=1021KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0x8c/0xe0
"] kernel: futex_wait_queue_me+0xd0/0x160
"] kernel: futex_wait+0xe4/0x210
"] kernel: do_futex+0x168/0xc48
"] kernel: SyS_futex+0x11c/0x1b0
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000001dc6c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000e1c5c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable16WaitHoldingLocksEPNS_6ThreadE+152)
"] native: #02 pc 000000000016f2fc /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art19HInstructionBuilder13ResolveMethodEtNS_10InvokeTypeE+476)
"] native: #03 pc 000000000016fd2c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art19HInstructionBuilder11BuildInvokeERKNS_11InstructionEjjjbPjj+380)
"] native: #04 pc 000000000016ac04 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art19HInstructionBuilder21ProcessDexInstructionERKNS_11InstructionEj+940)
"] native: #05 pc 0000000000169f24 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art19HInstructionBuilder5BuildEv+984)
"] native: #06 pc 000000000013be50 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art13HGraphBuilder10BuildGraphEv+132)
"] native: #07 pc 00000000001ad94c /system/lib64/ (_ZNK3art18OptimizingCompiler10TryCompileEPNS_14ArenaAllocatorEPNS_19CodeVectorAllocatorEPKNS_7DexFile8CodeItemEjNS_10InvokeTypeEtjNS_6HandleINS_6mirror11ClassLoaderEEERKS5_NSA_INSB_8DexCacheEEEPNS_9ArtMethodEbPNS_24VariableSizedHandleScopeE+2520)
"] native: #08 pc 00000000001af414 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art18OptimizingCompiler10JitCompileEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_3jit12JitCodeCacheEPNS_9ArtMethodEb+960)
"] native: #09 pc 000000000012844c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art3jit11JitCompiler13CompileMethodEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_9ArtMethodEb+160)
"] native: #10 pc 00000000002f43bc /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art3jit3Jit13CompileMethodEPNS_9ArtMethodEPNS_6ThreadEb+472)
"] native: #11 pc 00000000002f69ec /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art3jit14JitCompileTask3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+620)
"] native: #12 pc 0000000000475b94 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art16ThreadPoolWorker3RunEv+88)
"] native: #13 pc 0000000000475684 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art16ThreadPoolWorker8CallbackEPv+144)
"] native: #14 pc 0000000000068150 /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
"] native: #15 pc 000000000001f334 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
"] (no managed stack frames)
"] "Signal Catcher" prio=5 tid=3 WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb000c0 self=0x72420c8400
"] | sysTid=29595 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x723770b4f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7237611000-0x7237613000 stackSize=1005KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0xd4/0xe0
"] kernel: do_sigtimedwait+0x168/0x238
"] kernel: SyS_rt_sigtimedwait+0xa0/0x118
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000006a988 /system/lib64/ (__rt_sigtimedwait+8)
"] native: #01 pc 0000000000029b88 /system/lib64/ (sigwait+56)
"] native: #02 pc 000000000044c470 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art9SignalSet4WaitEv+40)
"] native: #03 pc 000000000044bf94 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher13WaitForSignalEPNS_6ThreadERNS_9SignalSetE+256)
"] native: #04 pc 000000000044aabc /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher3RunEPv+276)
"] native: #05 pc 0000000000068150 /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
"] native: #06 pc 000000000001f334 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
"] (no managed stack frames)
"] "JDWP" prio=5 tid=4 WaitingInMainDebuggerLoop
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb00198 self=0x7237214400
"] | sysTid=29596 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x72370894f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7236f8f000-0x7236f91000 stackSize=1005KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0x8c/0xe0
"] kernel: poll_schedule_timeout+0x3c/0x64
"] kernel: do_select+0x53c/0x5c4
"] kernel: core_sys_select+0x1dc/0x38c
"] kernel: SyS_pselect6+0x334/0x354
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000006a8e0 /system/lib64/ (__pselect6+8)
"] native: #01 pc 0000000000027cd8 /system/lib64/ (select+148)
"] native: #02 pc 0000000000514e38 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art4JDWP12JdwpAdbState15ProcessIncomingEv+332)
"] native: #03 pc 00000000002e9c44 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art4JDWP9JdwpState3RunEv+444)
"] native: #04 pc 00000000002e9320 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art4JDWPL15StartJdwpThreadEPv+40)
"] native: #05 pc 0000000000068150 /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
"] native: #06 pc 000000000001f334 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
"] (no managed stack frames)
"] "ReferenceQueueDaemon" prio=5 tid=5 Waiting
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb00250 self=0x72420c9800
"] | sysTid=29597 nice=4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7236f8c4f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7236e8a000-0x7236e8c000 stackSize=1037KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0xd4/0xe0
"] kernel: futex_wait_queue_me+0xd0/0x160
"] kernel: futex_wait+0xe4/0x210
"] kernel: do_futex+0x168/0xc48
"] kernel: SyS_futex+0x11c/0x1b0
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000001dc6c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000e1c5c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable16WaitHoldingLocksEPNS_6ThreadE+152)
"] native: #02 pc 00000000003928a0 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadElibNS_11ThreadStateE+628)
"] native: #03 pc 0000000000394380 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectElibNS_11ThreadStateE+252)
"] native: #04 pc 000000000000070c /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+124)
"] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method)
"] - waiting on <0x0ea7af24> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
"] at java.lang.Daemons$ReferenceQueueDaemon.runInternal(
"] - locked <0x0ea7af24> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
"] at java.lang.Daemons$
"] at
"] "FinalizerDaemon" prio=5 tid=6 Waiting
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb007e0 self=0x72420ca200
"] | sysTid=29598 nice=4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7236e874f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7236d85000-0x7236d87000 stackSize=1037KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0xd4/0xe0
"] kernel: futex_wait_queue_me+0xd0/0x160
"] kernel: futex_wait+0xe4/0x210
"] kernel: do_futex+0x168/0xc48
"] kernel: SyS_futex+0x11c/0x1b0
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000001dc6c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000e1c5c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable16WaitHoldingLocksEPNS_6ThreadE+152)
"] native: #02 pc 00000000003928a0 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadElibNS_11ThreadStateE+628)
"] native: #03 pc 0000000000394380 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectElibNS_11ThreadStateE+252)
"] native: #04 pc 0000000000000adc /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__JI+140)
"] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method)
"] - waiting on <0x0e9aba8d> (a java.lang.Object)
"] at java.lang.Object.wait(
"] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
"] - locked <0x0e9aba8d> (a java.lang.Object)
"] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
"] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(
"] at java.lang.Daemons$
"] at
"] "FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" prio=5 tid=7 Waiting
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb02580 self=0x722bcd2000
"] | sysTid=29599 nice=4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7236d824f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7236c80000-0x7236c82000 stackSize=1037KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0xd4/0xe0
"] kernel: futex_wait_queue_me+0xd0/0x160
"] kernel: futex_wait+0xe4/0x210
"] kernel: do_futex+0x168/0xc48
"] kernel: SyS_futex+0x11c/0x1b0
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000001dc6c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000e1c5c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable16WaitHoldingLocksEPNS_6ThreadE+152)
"] native: #02 pc 00000000003928a0 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadElibNS_11ThreadStateE+628)
"] native: #03 pc 0000000000394380 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectElibNS_11ThreadStateE+252)
"] native: #04 pc 000000000000070c /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+124)
"] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method)
"] - waiting on <0x02c69442> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
"] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.sleepUntilNeeded(
"] - locked <0x02c69442> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
"] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.runInternal(
"] at java.lang.Daemons$
"] at
"] "Binder:29589_1" prio=5 tid=9 Native
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb02f38 self=0x722bcd5c00
"] | sysTid=29601 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7236a7a4f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7236980000-0x7236982000 stackSize=1005KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0xd4/0xe0
"] kernel: binder_thread_read+0x414/0x14c0
"] kernel: binder_ioctl+0x72c/0x9c0
"] kernel: do_vfs_ioctl+0x514/0x79c
"] kernel: SyS_ioctl+0x84/0x98
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000006a894 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+4)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000244c4 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+132)
"] native: #02 pc 0000000000061b48 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14talkWithDriverEb+256)
"] native: #03 pc 0000000000061cb8 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+24)
"] native: #04 pc 00000000000623e8 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+72)
"] native: #05 pc 0000000000082d60 /system/lib64/ (???)
"] native: #06 pc 0000000000011754 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+280)
"] native: #07 pc 00000000000bc070 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+136)
"] native: #08 pc 0000000000068150 /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
"] native: #09 pc 000000000001f334 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
"] (no managed stack frames)
"] "Binder:29589_2" prio=5 tid=10 Native
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb03048 self=0x723722b800
"] | sysTid=29602 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x723697d4f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=1 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7236883000-0x7236885000 stackSize=1005KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0x8c/0xe0
"] kernel: binder_thread_read+0x414/0x14c0
"] kernel: binder_ioctl+0x72c/0x9c0
"] kernel: do_vfs_ioctl+0x514/0x79c
"] kernel: SyS_ioctl+0x84/0x98
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000006a894 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+4)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000244c4 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+132)
"] native: #02 pc 0000000000061b48 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14talkWithDriverEb+256)
"] native: #03 pc 0000000000061cb8 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+24)
"] native: #04 pc 00000000000623e8 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+72)
"] native: #05 pc 0000000000082d60 /system/lib64/ (???)
"] native: #06 pc 0000000000011754 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+280)
"] native: #07 pc 00000000000bc070 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+136)
"] native: #08 pc 0000000000068150 /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
"] native: #09 pc 000000000001f334 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
"] (no managed stack frames)
"] "Profile Saver" prio=5 tid=11 Native
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb03140 self=0x72420e6000
"] | sysTid=29604 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x723617e4f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=1 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7236084000-0x7236086000 stackSize=1005KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0xd4/0xe0
"] kernel: futex_wait_queue_me+0xd0/0x160
"] kernel: futex_wait+0xe4/0x210
"] kernel: do_futex+0x168/0xc48
"] kernel: SyS_futex+0x11c/0x1b0
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000001dc70 /system/lib64/ (syscall+32)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000e2084 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable9TimedWaitEPNS_6ThreadEli+172)
"] native: #02 pc 000000000030984c /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art12ProfileSaver3RunEv+536)
"] native: #03 pc 000000000030b700 /system/lib64/ (_ZN3art12ProfileSaver21RunProfileSaverThreadEPv+88)
"] native: #04 pc 0000000000068150 /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
"] native: #05 pc 000000000001f334 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
"] (no managed stack frames)
"] "Thread-4" prio=5 tid=12 Native
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1bb03450 self=0x722bcdf000
"] | sysTid=29606 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x723600c4f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7235f0a000-0x7235f0c000 stackSize=1037KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0xd4/0xe0
"] kernel: __skb_recv_datagram+0x470/0x4a8
"] kernel: skb_recv_datagram+0x3c/0x5c
"] kernel: unix_accept+0x98/0x164
"] kernel: SyS_accept4+0x12c/0x228
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000006a744 /system/lib64/ (__accept4+4)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000011d0 /system/lib64/ (???)
"] native: #02 pc 0000000000029f20 /system/lib64/ (???)
"] native: #03 pc 00000000002531d4 /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.oat (Java_libcore_io_Linux_accept__Ljava_io_FileDescriptor_2Ljava_net_SocketAddress_2+180)
"] at method)
"] at
"] at android.system.Os.accept(
"] at
"] at
"] at$
"] at
"] "RenderThread" prio=5 tid=14 Native
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13540c40 self=0x7237231c00
"] | sysTid=29611 nice=-10 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7221d024f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=77 stm=17 core=2 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x7221c08000-0x7221c0a000 stackSize=1005KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0x8c/0xe0
"] kernel: SyS_epoll_wait+0x3bc/0x4b4
"] kernel: SyS_epoll_pwait+0x134/0x140
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000006a7a8 /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+8)
"] native: #01 pc 000000000001fb28 /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+48)
"] native: #02 pc 0000000000015d54 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+144)
"] native: #03 pc 0000000000015c3c /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+108)
"] native: #04 pc 0000000000054620 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread12RenderThread10threadLoopEv+884)
"] native: #05 pc 0000000000011754 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+280)
"] native: #06 pc 00000000000bc070 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+136)
"] native: #07 pc 0000000000068150 /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
"] native: #08 pc 000000000001f334 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
"] (no managed stack frames)
"] "hwuiTask1" prio=5 tid=13 Native
"] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13540cc8 self=0x722d9d9a00
"] | sysTid=29620 nice=-2 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x721e7ff4f0
"] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=2 stm=1 core=0 HZ=100
"] | stack=0x721e705000-0x721e707000 stackSize=1005KB
"] | held mutexes=
"] kernel: __switch_to+0xd4/0xe0
"] kernel: futex_wait_queue_me+0xd0/0x160
"] kernel: futex_wait+0xe4/0x210
"] kernel: do_futex+0x168/0xc48
"] kernel: SyS_futex+0x11c/0x1b0
"] kernel: __sys_trace_return+0x0/0x4
"] native: #00 pc 000000000001dc6c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
"] native: #01 pc 00000000000677cc /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+96)
"] native: #02 pc 0000000000056b50 /system/lib64/ (???)
"] native: #03 pc 0000000000011754 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+280)
"] native: #04 pc 00000000000bc070 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+136)
"] "queued-work-looper" prio=5 tid=17 Native
"] native: #02 pc 0000000000015d54 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+144)
A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 29600 (HeapTaskDaemon)
Here is what causes the problem in my case. Maybe it helps.
I used Reflection
in my project. I had some private fields and wanted to fill them automatically via reflection.
To achieve this, I did the following:
Field field = MyClass.class.getDeclaredField("MyField");
field.set(classInstance, "SomeValue");
field.setAccessible(false); // <- exactly this line was causing this error
After removing that line everything worked 100% fine and I never got the error again. I am not 100% sure why, but as far as I now understand, it is not necessary to reset the accessible flag to false again, because this is done automatically.
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