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Elasticsearch client on AWS / Lambda / Java - 2.5 seconds client startup time

We're using AWS Lambda (Java) and the elasticsearch client to connect to a hosted elasticsearch instance on AWS. I encounter a long wait on the first request of about 2.5 seconds (on top of a cold start). After that it is very quick. I can't really figure out where this delay is coming from and I'm trying to optimize it.

private void testPerformanceElasticSearch() throws Exception {
        log.info("1. Before testing elasticsearch client");
        AWS4Signer signer = new AWS4Signer();
        HttpRequestInterceptor interceptor = new AWSRequestSigningApacheInterceptor("es", signer, new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain());
        String endpoint = "https://" + Utils.getEnvironmentVariable("ELASTIC_SEARCH_ENDPOINT");
        RestHighLevelClient restHighLevelClient = new RestHighLevelClient(RestClient.builder(HttpHost.create(endpoint)).setHttpClientConfigCallback(hacb -> hacb.addInterceptorLast(interceptor)));
        log.info("2. After getting elasticsearch client");
        log.info("3. Before doing a elasticsearch query");
        BoolQueryBuilder boolQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        TermsQueryBuilder termsQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("userId", "abc");
        SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
        SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest("users");
        log.info("13. After testing elasticsearch");

And then I get logging like this; you can see between '5' and '6' there is more than a 2 second delay which I can't really place:

17:16:06.871INFO[PlacesPerformance] 1. Before testing elasticsearch client
17:16:06.932INFO[PlacesPerformance] 2. After getting elasticsearch client
17:16:06.933INFO[PlacesPerformance] 3. Before doing a elasticsearch query
17:16:06.935INFO[PlacesPerformance] 4
17:16:06.942INFO[PlacesPerformance] 5
17:16:09.179INFO[PlacesPerformance] 6
17:16:09.179INFO[PlacesPerformance] 7
17:16:09.181INFO[PlacesPerformance] 8
17:16:09.181INFO[PlacesPerformance] 9
17:16:09.183INFO[PlacesPerformance] 10
17:16:09.183INFO[PlacesPerformance] 11
17:16:09.362INFO[PlacesPerformance] 12
17:16:09.362INFO[PlacesPerformance] 13. After testing elasticsearch

Any suggestions on how to improve this?


Strange. Whenever I run the code in a lambda, I experience the 2.5 second delay when constructing the request (not even executing it). Locally, it works fine though. I tried the following:

1.  Local against local elasticsearch. No delay.
2.  Local against AWS elasticsearch. No delay.
3.  Lambda with signing request. DELAY.
4.  Lambda without signing request. DELAY.
5.  Lambda with a 'match all' query. DELAY
6.  Lambda with a http address. DELAY.
7.  Lambda with a custom runtime. DELAY.
8.  Lambda with a custom runtime. DELAY.
9.  Lambda with standard Java 8 runtime. DELAY.
like image 387
evdh Avatar asked Mar 04 '19 16:03


1 Answers

The problem is that at the first request (real request, not warmup request as warmup requests don't go through your application code, it doesn't trigger loading classes which are used in actual request path) JVM loads (read, parse, verify, etc ...) related classes, initializes security components (ciphers, etc ...) and TLS handshake is done (requires multiple RTT, with Java 9 and TLS 1.3 this should be reduced).

The similar long duration behaviour is also seen for first AWS service calls (DynamoDB, SQS, etc ...)

As I am the author Thundra warmup plugin, I am thinking of introducing hook points for warmup messages as custom action will be able to executed like initializing security components, loading classes, etc ...

like image 151
serkan_ozal Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10
