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Storing UTF-8 string in a UnicodeString

In Delphi 2007 you can store a UTF-8 string in a WideString and then pass that onto a Win32 function, e.g.

  UnicodeStr: WideString;
  UTF8Str: WideString;
  UnicodeStr:='some unicode text';
  Windows.SomeFunction(PWideChar(UTF8Str), ...)

Delphi 2007 does not interfere with the contents of UTF8Str, i.e. it is left as a UTF-8 encoded string stored in a WideString.

But in Delphi 2010 I'm struggling to find a way to do the same thing, i.e. store a UTF-8 encoded string in a WideString without it being automatically converted from UTF-8. I cannot pass a pointer to a UTF-8 string (or RawByteString), e.g. the following will obviously not work:

  UnicodeStr: WideString;
  UTF8Str: UTF8String;
  UnicodeStr:='some unicode text';
  Windows.SomeFunction(PWideChar(UTF8Str), ...)
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Mick Avatar asked Apr 23 '10 10:04


People also ask

How do I encode a string in UTF-8?

In order to convert a String into UTF-8, we use the getBytes() method in Java. The getBytes() method encodes a String into a sequence of bytes and returns a byte array. where charsetName is the specific charset by which the String is encoded into an array of bytes.

Does STD string support UTF-8?

std::string doesn't "use" any encoding, neither UTF-8 nor EBCDIC. std::string is just a container for bytes of types char . You can put UTF-8 strings in there, or ASCII strings, or EBCDIC strings, or even binary data.

Can UTF-8 store a character in more than one byte?

Each character is encoded as 1 to 4 bytes. The first 128 Unicode code points are encoded as 1 byte in UTF-8. These code points are the same as those in ASCII CCSID 367. Any other character is encoded with more than 1 byte in UTF-8.

How many bytes is a string in UTF-8?

UTF-8 uses 1 to 4 bytes per character, depending on the Unicode symbol. UTF-8 has the following properties: The classical US-ASCII characters (0 to 0x7f) encode as themselves, so files and strings that are encoded with ASCII values have the same encoding under both ASCII and UTF-8.

2 Answers

Your original Delphi 2007 code was converting the UTF-8 string to a widestring using the ANSI codepage. To do the same thing in Delphi 2010 you should use SetCodePage with the Convert parameter false.

  UnicodeStr: UnicodeString;
  UTF8Str: RawByteString;
  UTF8Str := UTF8Encode('some unicode text');
  SetCodePage(UTF8Str, 0, False);
  UnicodeStr := UTF8Str;
  Windows.SomeFunction(PWideChar(UnicodeStr), ...)
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Zoë Peterson Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

Zoë Peterson

Hmm, why are you doing that? Why are you encoding a WideString to UTF-8 just to store it again back to WideString. You are obviously using a Unicode version of the Windows API. So there is no need to use a UTF-8-encoded string. Or am I missing something.

Because Windows API functions are either Unicode (two bytes) or ANSI (one byte). UTF-8 would be wrong choice here, because mainly it contains one byte per character, but for characters above the ASCII base it uses two or more bytes.

Otherwise the equivalent for your old code in unicode Delphi would be:

  UnicodeStr: string;
  UTF8Str: string;
  UnicodeStr:='some unicode text';
  Windows.SomeFunction(PWideChar(UTF8Str), ...)

WideString and string (UnicodeString) are similar, but the new UnicodeString is faster because it is reference-counted and WideString is not.

You code was not correct because the UTF-8 string has a variable number of bytes per character. "A" is stored as one byte. Just an ASCII byte code. "ü" on the other hand would be stored as two bytes. And because you are then using PWideChar the function always expects two bytes per character.

There is another difference. In older Delphi versions (ANSI) Utf8String was just an AnsiString. In Unicode versions of Delphi Utf8String is a string with a UTF-8 code page behind it. So it behaves differently.

The old code would still work correctly:

  UnicodeStr: WideString;
  UTF8Str: WideString;
  UnicodeStr:='some unicode text';
  Windows.SomeFunction(PWideChar(UTF8Str), ...)

It would act the same as it did in Delphi 2007. So maybe you have a problem elsewhere.

Mick you are correct. The compiler does some extra work behind the scenes. So in order to avoid this you can do something like this:

  UTF8Str: AnsiString;
  UnicodeStr: WideString;
  TempString: RawByteString;
  ResultString: WideString;
  UnicodeStr := 'some unicode text';
  TempString := UTF8Encode(UnicodeStr);
  SetLength(UTF8Str, Length(TempString));
  Move(TempString[1], UTF8Str[1], Length(UTF8Str));
  ResultString := UTF8Str;

I checked, and it works just the same. Because I move bytes directly in memory there is no codepage conversion done in the background. I am sure it can be done with greater eleganece, but the point is that I see this as the way for what you want to achieve.

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Runner Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10
