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Storing sudo password as variable in script - is it safe?




Is storing my password this way safe?

echo 'Write sudo password (will not be displayed) and hit enter'
read -s password

I need it to make commands like this:

echo $password | sudo -S apt-get install -y foo bar
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Sławosz Avatar asked Sep 08 '10 11:09


People also ask

Can you use sudo in script?

In Linux, the sudo command allows us to execute a command or script as the superuser. However, by default, the sudo command works in an interactive mode.

Does sudo always ask for password?

If your timestamp_timeout is zero, sudo always prompts for a password. This feature can be enabled only by the superuser, however. Ordinary users can achieve the same behavior with sudo -k, which forces sudo to prompt for a password on your next sudo command.

2 Answers

No because you can see it via /proc/$PID/cmdline.

I suggest not to try to reinvent security tools. The sudo program can cache your password.

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Dirk Eddelbuettel Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 16:10

Dirk Eddelbuettel

A better approach would be to edit your sudoers file and add your program that don't require password...

Do a sudo visudo and add following to enable your admin group to run apt-get w/o password: %admin ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get

See sudoers man page for more detail.

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fseto Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 16:10
