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Storing Cookies Windows Store App

As I discovered here, when I make a call to a server to ask for authentication in the form of a cookie, the cookie in the response is handled automatically by the underlying metro framework.

However, this means I don't have access to the cookie and, therefore, cannot store it when the app is suspended for later use. How are we supposed to store cookie information in the metro framework?

All help is greatly appreciated and I always accept an answer!

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danielmhanover Avatar asked Aug 06 '12 20:08


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Open Microsoft Edge and then select Settings and more > Settings > Site permissions. Select Cookies and site data. Here you can set specific controls for cookies. Select See all cookies and site data.

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1 Answers

We implemented sessionStorage for sessions and localStorage for persistence as a complete cookie replacement in our Windows 8 app and it has worked very well. Both storage engines are extremely straightforward to use, you can read up on them here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/DOM/Storage

like image 128
Rob M. Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 10:10

Rob M.