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Storing a Key Value Array into a compact JSON string




I want to store an array of key value items, a common way to do this could be something like:

// the JSON data may store several data types, not just key value lists,
// but, must be able to identify some data as a key value list

// --> more "common" way to store a key value array
    {"key": "slide0001.html", "value": "Looking Ahead"},
    {"key": "slide0008.html", "value": "Forecast"},
    {"key": "slide0021.html", "value": "Summary"},
    // ...
  "otherdata" : { "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3" }

But, when there is many pairs / items, the string length becomes prohibited, and I want a compact way, this could be an example:

// --> (1) a "compact" way to store a key value array
      {"slide0001.html", "Looking Ahead"},
      {"slide0008.html", "Forecast"},
      {"slide0021.html", "Summary"},
      // ...
  "otherdata" : { "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3" }

Additionally, I want a way to identify the data as a keyvalue array, because, I may want to store other data in the same JSON file. I have these examples:

// --> (2) a "compact" way to store a key value array    
      {"slide0001.html", "Looking Ahead"},
      {"slide0008.html", "Forecast"},
      {"slide0021.html", "Summary"},
      // ...
    "otherdata" : { "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3" }

// --> (3) a "compact" way to store a key value array    
      "type": "keyvaluearray",
        {"slide0001.html", "Looking Ahead"},
        {"slide0008.html", "Forecast"},
        {"slide0021.html", "Summary"},
                    // another THOUSANDS KEY VALUE PAIRS
                    // ...
    "otherdata" : { "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3" }

What do you thing, which one do you suggest, do you have another way ? Thanks.

UPDATE 1: Remove invalid code. Javascript => JSON

UPDATE 2: Add non key value data

UPDATE 3: Replace "[" and "]" for "{" and "}" in each key value pair

like image 529
umlcat Avatar asked Jun 18 '11 18:06


People also ask

Can you store an array in JSON?

JSON array can store string , number , boolean , object or other array inside JSON array. In JSON array, values must be separated by comma. Arrays in JSON are almost the same as arrays in JavaScript.

Can JSON array have key-value?

A JSON object contains zero, one, or more key-value pairs, also called properties.

How do you write a key-value pair in JSON?

Key-value pairs have a colon between them as in "key" : "value" . Each key-value pair is separated by a comma, so the middle of a JSON lists as follows: "key" : "value", "key" : "value", "key": "value" . In the previous example, the first key-value pair is "first_name" : "Sammy" .

2 Answers

So why don't you simply use a key-value literal?

var params = {
    'slide0001.html': 'Looking Ahead',
    'slide0002.html': 'Forecase',

return params['slide0001.html']; // returns: Looking Ahead
like image 151
Crozin Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10


If the logic parsing this knows that {"key": "slide0001.html", "value": "Looking Ahead"} is a key/value pair, then you could transform it in an array and hold a few constants specifying which index maps to which key.

For example:

var data = ["slide0001.html", "Looking Ahead"];

var C_KEY = 0;
var C_VALUE = 1;

var value = data[C_VALUE];

So, now, your data can be:

    ["slide0001.html", "Looking Ahead"],
    ["slide0008.html", "Forecast"],
    ["slide0021.html", "Summary"]

If your parsing logic doesn't know ahead of time about the structure of the data, you can add some metadata to describe it. For example:

{ meta: { keys: [ "key", "value" ] },
  data: [
    ["slide0001.html", "Looking Ahead"],
    ["slide0008.html", "Forecast"],
    ["slide0021.html", "Summary"]

... which would then be handled by the parser.

like image 37
rid Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10
